How To Farm Diablo 4 Gold?

Complete World Events: If you open your world map, you will see multiple types of world events. They tend to be marked by bright orange circles. Participate in and complete the quests specified in these events, and you'll earn tons of Diablo 4 gold, items, XP, loot, extra Obols, equipment, and materials.
Here's a little trick: There are many portals in the game, and you can use these portals to quickly traverse the map. This way you can find more events. Beyond that, you can easily go back to events you've already completed and repeat farm activities.
Repeatedly complete tasks: You can get more XP and Diablo 4 gold coins by completing some repeated tasks, such as cleaning up monsters in a certain area, finding a certain treasure, etc. It is worth noting that each area of Diablo 4 will hide countless side missions. Among them, some side missions with higher gold coin rewards are worth giving priority to.
Take part in dungeons: There are over 150 dungeons in Diablo 4. By playing dungeons, you can earn more advanced gear and a lot of XP. Anica's Claim is a dungeon worth visiting. You'll encounter a lot of elite enemies, which are more likely to drop rare or legendary items. It is worth noting that the number and difficulty of monsters in the copy are generally relatively large, and you need to pay attention to defense and attack.
Defeat monsters: Certain areas of the game will have large numbers of monsters. By killing these monsters, you can get a lot of XP and D4 gold coins. Here, I would like to make a special mention of Treasure Goblins. These monsters tend to be randomly generated in open worlds and dungeons. They will drop a lot of D4 gold coins while running. Even when killed by the player, they drop some valuable Diablo 4 items.
Visit Curiosities: By gambling with Obols, you'll have a chance at some powerful Rare and Legendary D4 items, specific gear or weapons, and more. You can choose to sell these items for tons of Diablo 4 gold. If you have enough Obols, I suggest you buy some Whispering Keys.
Open Silent Chests: In Diablo 4, you'll find a few Silent Chests scattered across areas. To open these silent chests, you'll need to use the Whisper Key I just mentioned. When you open these chests, you'll also get some Diablo IV gold.
Prestige Coin Rewards: In Diablo 4, each character will have their own prestige. Your goal is to get each character to at least 900 Renown. If you reach Prestige Level 3 with each of your characters, you'll earn at least 400,000 Diablo 4 Gold per character. It is conceivable that if the prestige level of all your characters reaches the upper limit, you will get a very objective D4 gold coin.
Gold Shrine Farming: Find and grab shrines you come across, especially those that reference green shrines. Because your character will gain short-term buffs from them. All you need to do is to use this opportunity to kill as many monsters around you as possible to get a lot of D4 gold coins.
Sell items you don't need: When you reach a certain level, you will harvest a lot of items. Among them, there will be some duplicate items or less important items. Of course, there will also be some items with better market conditions, such as rare items and magic items. All you have to do is sort the items and sell them to vendors. You will get a lot of D4 coins for this.
Clean out the cellar: The contents of each cellar are not fixed, so the tasks you need to complete are not fixed. Sometimes you need to kill mobs, sometimes you need to solve puzzles, sometimes you come across random events, shrines or treasure chests. Anyway, no matter what you do, you'll be rewarded with some Diablo 4 gold.