За курса
Умения, които ще придобиеш
Умения за тестване на API и REST услуги
Писане на тестинг скриптове с Postman
Работа с виртуализация и контейнери
Работа с файлови формати за данни: JSON, YAML and XML
- 1. Resources
- 2. Course Introduction
- 3. Data Formats: JSON, YAML and XML
- 4. Exercise: Data Formats
- 5. Containers, Docker and Docker Compose
- 6. Web Services
- 7. Exercise: Web Services
- 8. JavaScript Basics
- 9. Exercise: JavaScript Basics
- 10. JavaScript Fundamentals
- 11. Exercise: JavaScript Fundamentals
- 12. Unit Testing with JavaScript
- 13. Exercise: Unit Testing with JavaScript
- 14. API Testing with Postman
- 15. Exercise: API Testing with Postman
- 16. Exercise: Postman & Newman CLI
- 17. Exam Preparation
- 18. Exam Preparation
- 19. Regular Exam
- 20. Retake Exam