За курса
Умения, които ще придобиеш
Работа с LinuxShell
Настройване на Docker контейнери
Работа с Docker Compose
Деплойване на готов проект в cloud инфраструктура
Подготовка на инфраструктура чрез писане на код
Работа с инструменти за мониторинг
- 1. Resources
- 2. Course Introduction
- 3. Linux and Linux Shell - Part I
- 4. Linux and Linux Shell - Part II
- 5. Containers and Docker
- 6. Exercise: Containers and Docker
- 7. Docker Compose and Container Orchestration
- 8. Exercise: Docker Compose and Container Orchestration
- 9. Cloud Computing
- 10. Exercise: Cloud Computing
- 11. Infrastructure as Code
- 12. Exercise: Infrastructure as Code
- 13. App Monitoring Tools
- 14. Exercise: App Monitoring Tools
- 15. Exam Preparation
- 16. Exam Preparation
- 17. Regular Exam
- 18. Retake Exam