
Can web developers build native apps?

Изминало събитие
10 януари 2018

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Заповядайте на безплатен семинар на тема "Can web developers build native apps?", който ще се проведе нa 10 януари 2018 г. (сряда) от 19:00 часа в зала Inspiration на Софтуерния университет (София, ул. Тинтява 15-17, етаж 2). Лектор e Timo Railo. Семинарът ще е на английски език.
За семинара

Timo from Appzio is presenting an interesting new option for building truly native apps for iOS and Android only from the backend. Appzio's platform allows radically faster development and better quality control of the end product by taking away the client development from the equation. The technology is used by big enterprises and startups alike and provides an excellent entry to mobile development for PHP and JavasScript developers. In this session Timo will present the PHP toolkit which is used for developing the apps.

Mobile development is at the moment one of the most sought out skill in the world of tech. Session is about how web developers can move into mobile development without a huge investment in learning new skills. Sessions starts with an overview of different mobile technologies that are available today for cross platform development. Special emphasis on the learning curve and pros and cons with different technologies. We will also cover differences in building the user experience (UX) for mobile compared to web development.

Main part of the session is an on-boarding to Appzio platform with the PHP toolkit. Appzio allows building fully native applications from the backend only either with PHP or NodeJS. Session presents the PHP toolkit, but the NodeJS toolkit which will be soon released works in a very similar fashion, so the session will give enough background to get started also with NodeJS development.

За лекторите
Timo Railo
Timo Railo has been involved with mobile application building as long as mobile apps have existed. He's coming from the land of Nokia (Finland) and been living and building Appzio in Bulgaria for four years. Before Appzio he has built several successful digital companies. He has held various roles within the digital industry, but he's true calling is technology, especially where it links to corporate strategy.
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