Outlook Not Searching Recent Emails - How to Fix this issue?

If Outlook is not searching recent emails, there could be several reasons for this issue. One common cause is that the search index has not been updated, which can prevent Outlook from displaying recent emails in search results. To resolve this, users can try rebuilding the search index by going to File > Options > Search > Indexing Options > Advanced > Rebuild. Another possible reason for the issue is that the search scope is not set to include recent emails. To check and adjust the search scope, users can go to File > Options > Search and make sure that the "Include results only from" option is set to "Current folder" or "All folders". Additionally, it is important to ensure that Outlook is up to date and that there are no corrupted files or software issues that may be interfering with the search function. If this  Outlook email search not working problem persists, users may need to seek further assistance from Microsoft support or an IT professional.