02. Command Interpreter [Sample Exam I - October 2016] Programming Fundamentals
Струва ми се че има липси в условието.
The examples should help you understand the task better.
Но накрая има само един кирлив пример. Не ми е напълно ясно какво трябва да се направи когато:
· "rollLeft [count] times" – this instructs you to move all elements in the array to the left [count] times. On each roll, the first element is placed at the end of the array;
· "rollRight [count] times" – this instructs you to move all elements in the array to the right [count] times. On each roll, the last element is placed at the beginning of the array;
"rollLeft [count] times" – this instructs you to move all elements in the array??? to the left [count] times. Това как го разбирате?
On each roll, the last element is placed at the beginning of the array - преди да се завърти или след това?