06. Pokemon Trainer - DefiningClasses - Java Advanced Малко Помощ?
Здрвейте колеги, от 4 часа съм зациклил какво ли не пробвах и вече блокирах тотално. На два от тестовете ми дава Runtime Error. Не можах да открия защо, моля ако някой може да помогне?
Ето условието:
1.Pokémon Trainer
You wanna be the very best pokemon trainer, like no one ever was, so you set out to catch pokemons. Define a class Trainer and a class Pokemon. Trainer have a name, number of badges and a collection of pokemon. Pokemon have a name, an element and health, all values are mandatory. Every Trainer starts with 0 badges.
From the console you will receive an unknown number of lines until you receive the command "Tournament", each line will carry information about a pokemon and the trainer who caught it in the format "<TrainerName> <PokemonName> <PokemonElement> <PokemonHealth>" where TrainerName is the name of the Trainer who caught the pokemon, names are unique there cannot be 2 trainers with the same name. After receiving the command "Tournament" an unknown number of lines containing one of three elements "Fire", "Water", "Electricity" will follow until the command "End" is received. For every command you must check if a trainer has atleast 1 pokemon with the given element, if he does he receives 1 badge, otherwise all his pokemon lose 10 health, if a pokemon falls to 0 or less health he dies and must be deleted from the trainer’s collection. After the command "End" is received you should print all trainers sorted by the amount of badges they have in descending order (if two trainers have the same amount of badges they should be sorted by order of appearance in the input) in the format "<TrainerName> <Badges> <NumberOfPokemon".
Input |
Output |
Pesho Charizard Fire 100 Gosho Squirtle Water 38 Pesho Pikachu Electricity 10 Tournament Fire Electricity End |
Pesho 2 2 Gosho 0 1 |
Stamat Blastoise Water 18 Nasko Pikachu Electricity 22 Jicata Kadabra Psychic 90 Tournament Fire Electricity Fire End |
Nasko 1 1 Stamat 0 0 Jicata 0 1 |
Това ми е Решението:
Main class:https://pastebin.com/0wgy4QZu
Trainer class:https://pastebin.com/LTzfJRzn
Pokemon class:https://pastebin.com/bTDhS5aN
Линк към Judge:https://judge.softuni.bg/Contests/Compete/Index/1518#5
Благодаря предварително!
Благодаря колега!