antonfotev avatar antonfotev 4 Точки

More Exercises: Objects and Classes - 2. Oldest Family Member

Здравейте, на More Exercises: Objects and Classes - 2. Oldest Family Member ми дава 60 точки.
Условието е това:
2. Oldest Family Member
Create two classes – Family and Person. The Person class should have Name and Age properties. The Family class
should have a list of people, a method for adding members (void AddMember(Person member)) and a method
returning the oldest family member (Person GetOldestMember()). Write a program that reads the names and
ages of N people and adds them to the family. Then print the name and age of the oldest member.
Input                   Output
3                         Annie 5
Pesho 3
Gosho 4
Annie 5

Моят код

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class Person
    public Person(){}
    public Person(string name, int age)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Age = age;    
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public int Age {get; set;}

public class Family
    public Family()
     this.OrderPersons = new List<Person>();    
 public List<Person> OrderPersons {get; set;}    
 public void AddMember(Person member)
 public void GetOldestMember()
    var currentPersona = new Person{Name = "one", Age = -1};
    foreach(var kvp in OrderPersons)
     if (currentPersona.Age < kvp.Age)
        currentPersona = kvp; 
    } // end foreach
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", currentPersona.Name, currentPersona.Age); 
} // end class Family
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        var currentFamily = new Family();
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         string[] input = Console.ReadLine()
         var member = new Person(input[0], int.Parse(input[1]));
        } // end for
        if(currentFamily.OrderPersons.Count > 0)    


// 3
// Pesho 3
// Gosho 4
// Annie 5

// 5
// Steve 10
// Christopher 15
// Annie 4
// Ivan 35
// Maria 34


Teamwork and Personal Skills
Gabble avatar Gabble 3 Точки

Здравей! Методът GetOldestMember трябва да бъде (по условие) public Person GetOldestMember() {}, а не public void GetOldestMember() {}. Също така, вместо да въртиш foreach там, може да го направиш така: var oldestPerson = currentFamily.OrderByDescending(x.Age => x.Age).FirstOrDefault(); return oldestPerson;

Oбщо взето методът да изглежда така: 


public Person GetOldestMember()


var oldestPerson = currentFamily.OrderByDescending(x.Age => x.Age).FirstOrDefault();

return oldestPerson;


19/11/2019 08:09:44
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