Cvetelinpenev avatar Cvetelinpenev 1 Точки

Помощ за задачи от Conditional Statements - More Exercises - C#


Може ли малко помощ за две задачки?

На задачата Harvest ми изкарва 90/100, не мога да си открия грешките -


Test #10 (Incorrect answer) - това означава ли, че е в края на задачата


Също задача Pipes In Pool. Срещнах проблеми с превръщането на цели числа в проценти -


Programming Basics
Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2423 Точки
Best Answer

Harvest, 2 problems.

At line 27 string interpolation was not correct :

$"Good harvest this year! Total wine: {Math.Floor(wine)} liters."

should have been used instead of

$"Good harvest this year! Total wine: {wine} liters.", Math.Floor(wine)

=> Math.Floor(wine) will not applied on wine

Line 30, validation with if(neededLitersWine > wine), instead of if(neededLitersWine >= wine)


PipesInPool, 2 problems.

Set all the input values to double and don't cast the calculations (int). That way you won't receive percentage numbers. Also, it's easier to use $”” String interpolation for the output text.



using System;

namespace Harvest
    class Program
        static void Main()
            double vineyard = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double grape = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double neededLitersWine = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int numberOfWorkers = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double oneLiter = 2.5;

            var totalGrape = vineyard * grape;

            var wine = 0.40 * totalGrape / oneLiter;

            if (wine >= neededLitersWine)
                double total = Math.Ceiling(wine - neededLitersWine);
                double left = Math.Ceiling(total / numberOfWorkers);
                Console.WriteLine($"Good harvest this year! Total wine: {Math.Floor(wine)} liters.");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} liters left -> {1} liters per person.", total, left);
            else if (neededLitersWine > wine)
                double moreVine = Math.Floor(neededLitersWine - wine);
                Console.WriteLine($"It will be a tough winter! More {moreVine} liters wine needed.");


using System;

namespace TestConditionalStatements
    class Program
        static void Main()
            double volumeOfPool = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double firstPipe = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double secondPipe = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double hour = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            var volumeOfFirstPipe = firstPipe * hour;
            var volumeOfSecondPipe = secondPipe * hour;
            var total = volumeOfFirstPipe + volumeOfSecondPipe;

            if (total <= volumeOfPool)
                var full = (total / volumeOfPool) * 100;
                var firstPipeContribution = (volumeOfFirstPipe / total) * 100;
                var secondPipeContribution = (volumeOfSecondPipe / total) * 100;

                //Console.WriteLine($"The pool is {0:f2} % full.Pipe 1: {1:f2}%).Pipe 2: {2:f2}%.", full, firstPipeContribution, secondPipeContribution);
                Console.WriteLine($"The pool is {full:f2} % full. Pipe 1: {firstPipeContribution:f2}%. Pipe 2: {secondPipeContribution:f2}%.");
                var pfull = total - volumeOfPool;
                //Console.WriteLine($"For {0} hours the pool overflows with {1:f2} liters.", hour, pfull);
                Console.WriteLine($"For {hour} hours the pool overflows with {pfull:f2} liters.");



Cvetelinpenev avatar Cvetelinpenev 1 Точки

Thank you :) I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much for your detailed explanation :)

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