sashotoka avatar sashotoka 2 Точки

1. Company JS Advanced 50/100

Здравейте ако някой може li да каже защо дава 50/100??



class Company {
    // TODO: implement this class...

Your Task

Write a Company Class, Which Supports the Described Functionality Below.



Should have these 1 property:

  • departments - empty array

AddEmployee({username}, {Salary}, {Position}, {Department})

This function should add a new employee to the department with the given name.

  • If one of the passed parameters is empty string (""), undefined or null,  this function should throw an error with the following message:

"Invalid input!"

  • If salary is less than 0, this function should throw an error with the following message:

" Invalid input!"

  • If the new employee is hired successfully, you should add him into the departments array and return the following message:


  • New employee is hired. Name: {name}. Position: {position}"


This function should print the department with the highest average salary and its employees sorted by their salary by descending and by name in the following format:

"Best department is: {best department's name}

Average salary: {best department's average salary}

{employee1} {salary} {position}

{employee2} {salary} {position}

{employee3} {salary} {position}

. . ."


Submit only your Company class.


This is an example how the code is intended to be used:

Sample code usage

let c = new Company();

c.addEmployee("Stanimir", 2000, "engineer", "Construction");

c.addEmployee("Pesho", 1500, "electrical engineer", "Construction");

c.addEmployee("Slavi", 500, "dyer", "Construction");

c.addEmployee("Stan", 2000, "architect", "Construction");

c.addEmployee("Stanimir", 1200, "digital marketing manager", "Marketing");

c.addEmployee("Pesho", 1000, "graphical designer", "Marketing");

c.addEmployee("Gosho", 1350, "HR", "Human resources");


Corresponding output

Best Department is: Construction

Average salary: 1500.00

Stan 2000 architect

Stanimir 2000 engineer

Pesho 1500 electrical engineer

Slavi 500 dyer


решение: https://pastebin.com/MPr8LdNN

JavaScript Advanced
willystyle avatar willystyle 2472 Точки
Best Answer

всичко ти ок, проблема е във валидацията на аргументите (ред 8-12):

if (!username || !position || !department || !salary || salary < 0) {

    throw new Error("Invalid input!");


sashotoka avatar sashotoka 2 Точки

Да благодаря ти това беше + това че на salary иска да е <= за да даде 100/100.

tsvetoslav.petkov avatar tsvetoslav.petkov 2 Точки

Здравейте, някой би ли ми помогнал и да ми каже защо ми гърми един тест. Тествах го с различни резултати и изглежда работи нормално. 


21/06/2021 01:18:40
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