04. Snowwhite: Associative Arrays - More Exercise (50/100)
I need some help and for this exercise. The problem is in my sort method. I have no idea how to order the dwarfs by physics in descending order and then by total count of dwarfs with the same hat color in descending order. I was reading another solutions, but I can't understand. Can somebody please help me again.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Dictionary
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
string input = string.Empty;
while((input=Console.ReadLine())!="Once upon a time")
string[] inputArray = input.Split(" <:> ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x).ToArray();
string name = inputArray[0];
string hatColor = inputArray[1];
int physics = int.Parse(inputArray[2]);
if (hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics.ContainsKey(hatColor) == false)
hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics[hatColor] = new Dictionary<string, int>();
hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics[hatColor].Add(name, physics);
else if (hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics.ContainsKey(hatColor) == true)
bool haveDwarfWithTheSameName = false;
foreach (var kvp in hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics[hatColor])
string currentName = kvp.Key;
int currentPhysics = kvp.Value;
if (currentName == name)
haveDwarfWithTheSameName = true;
if (physics > currentPhysics)
hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics[hatColor][currentName] = physics;
if (haveDwarfWithTheSameName == false)
hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics[hatColor].Add(name, physics);
foreach (var kvp in hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics.OrderByDescending(x=>x.Value.Values.Max()).ThenByDescending(x=>x.Key.Count()))
string hatColor = kvp.Key;
var namesWithPhysicsDictionary = kvp.Value;
foreach (var kvp1 in namesWithPhysicsDictionary)
string name = kvp1.Key;
int physic = kvp1.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"({hatColor}) {name} <-> {physic}");
thank you very much for this solution. I will try my best to understand it better. :)
Best regards!
Try the following input with your original code and this new one and the difference becomes easier to see.
All the best,
Pesho <:> Red <:> 5000
Pesho <:> Blue <:> 10000
Pesho <:> Red <:> 10000
Gosho <:> Yellow <:> 20000
Fesho <:> Blue <:> 200
Once upon a time
it means a lot that also take out of your time to help me out. When I read your solution at work I could not wait to get home so I could tryed out.
I hope is not arrogant from me since I really apreciate you also helping me out, but I have stumbled upon a simpler solution and I love to share. The creator is @NikolayNeykov92 from this- https://softuni.bg/forum/21589/04-snowwhite-retake-exam-05-january-2018. The trick is to order against the recomendation- first order by descending all dwarfs by hat color and than order by descending by physic. When we print, the result is exactly according the recomendation.
https://pastebin.com/rk2PXVSr - 100/100
Best regards!
Dictionary<string, int> sortedDwarfs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var hatColor in hatColorWithNamesAndPhysics.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count()))
foreach (var dwarf in hatColor.Value)
sortedDwarfs.Add($"({hatColor.Key}) {dwarf.Key} <-> ", dwarf.Value);
foreach (var dwarf in sortedDwarfs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value))