06. Extract Emails-Runtime error
Can somebody please explain to me why do I get in Judge- "Unhandled exception. System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParseException: Invalid pattern '(?<=\s)(?<user>(?![\_])[A-za-z0-9]+(?:[-\.\_][A-za-z0-9]+)*)@(?<host>[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-z]+)*(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-Z]+)*)*\.[a-z]+)' at offset 21. Unrecognized escape sequence \\_."
Althouth in https://regex101.com/ and in https://regexr.com/ my regex is working correctly- match the valid and doesn't match the invalid emails:
valid email: info@softunibulgaria.org, kiki@hot-mail.co.uk, no-reply@github.com,
s.peterson@mail.uu.net, info-bg@software-university.software.academy support@github.com
invalid email: --123@gmail.com, …@mail.bg, .info@info.info, _steve@yahoo.cn,
mike@helloworld, mike@.unknown.soft., s.johnson@invalid-.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace text
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
string input = Console.ReadLine();
Regex regexForEmail=new Regex(@"(?<=\s)(?<user>(?![\_])[A-za-z0-9]+(?:[-\.\_][A-za-z0-9]+)*)@(?<host>[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-z]+)*(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-Z]+)*)*\.[a-z]+)");
MatchCollection matchesEmail = regexForEmail.Matches(input);
if (regexForEmail.IsMatch(input))
foreach (Match match in matchesEmail)
And thanks to you I have founded the mistake in my regex and I have learnt something new. I'am very happy and I'am very greatfull about that. :)
Regex is not running in VS and in Monodevelop when in front of "_" we put escape symbol "\".
I have barrowed this part of your regex :
and have deleted my "[-\.\_]".
And in the beginning in my regex I have replaced "?![\_]" with "?![_]".
Regex regexForEmail=new Regex(@"(?<=\s)(?<user>(?![_])[A-za-z0-9]+(?:[\.\-_][A-za-z0-9]+)*)@(?<host>[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-z]+)*(?:\.[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\-][a-zA-Z]+)*)*\.[a-z]+)") ;
And now my regex is also valid and Judge gave to my code 100/100. :) https://pastebin.com/r6cZbrz5
Your regex is better than mine and I going to take a better look at it when I go home after work.
All the best!
Axiomatic, hello again!
I have taken a better look at your regex. I can't understand the begining:
Why have you used operator "or" at the begining in your regex? If you have time to help me understand it I would realy appreciate it.
I see that your regex match and this email adress: "elena@abv-bg". I have made my regex more complicated, because I have assumed that Judge would be looking for a "." at the end, but I have assumed wrong.
By the way from today I have a new laptop with Windows 10 and VisualStudio 2019. I rushed and bought it earlier than I planned, because you mentioned that there is a potential risk to start Advanced module working on Monodevelop.Thanks a lot! :)
No idea anymore, I just used different types of Backreferences/Lookahead/LookBehind and regex combinations until I found something that worked. But the regex on the exam won't be that complex and this exercise was more like a bonus assignment. Good luck with your new laptop and hopefully no more problems with C# code that won't compile with MonoDevelop.