nd_nikolov avatar nd_nikolov 7 Точки

Mid Exam Python "Array Modifier"?!

Здравейте, някой има ли обяснение защо на решението на посочената задача Judge дава 0/100, при излезли преди това нулеви тестове и debug в пълен синхрон с указанията? В същото време ми дава 40/100 на незавършено решение(посочено в края).

02. Array Modifier

You are given an array with integers. Write a program to modify the elements after receive the commandsswap”, “multiply” or “decrease”.

  • “swap {index1} {index2}” take two elements and swap their places.
  • “multiply {index1} {index2}” take element at the 1st index and multiply it with element at 2nd index. Save the product at the 1st index.
  • “decrease” decreases all elements in the array with 1.


On the first input line you will be given the initial array values separated by a single space.

On the next lines you will receive commands until you receive the command “end”. The commands are as follow:

  • “swap {index1} {index2}”
  • “multiply {index1} {index2}”
  • “decrease”


The output should be printed on the console and consist element of the modified arrayseparated by “, “(comma and single space).


  • Commands will be: “swap”, “multiply”, “decrease” and “end
  • Elements of the array will be integer numbers in the range [-231...231]
  • Count of the array elements will be in the range [2...100]
  • Indexes will be always in the range of the array





23 -2 321 87 42 90 -123

swap 1 3

swap 3 6

swap 1 0

multiply 1 2

multiply 2 1



86, 7382, 2369942, -124, 41, 89, -3

23 -2 321 87 42 90 -123 – initial values

swap 1(-2) and 3(87) ▼

23 87 321 -2 42 90 -123

swap 3(-2) and 6(-123) ▼

23 87 321 -123 42 90 -2

swap 1(87) and 0(23) ▼

87 23 321 -123 42 90 -2

multiply 1(23) 2(321) = 7383 ▼

87 7383 321 -123 42 290 -2

multiply 2(321) 1(7383) = 2369943 ▼

87 7383 2369943 -123 42 90 -2

decrease – all - 1 ▼

86 7383 2369942 -124 41 89 -3

1 2 3 4

swap 0 1

swap 1 2

swap 2 3

multiply 1 2



1, 11, 3, 0


Решение 0/100

array = input().split()
command = input().split()
amount = 0
new_array = []

while not command == "end":
    if command[0] == "swap":
        array[int(command[1])], array[int(command[2])] = array[int(command[2])], array[int(command[1])]
    elif command[0] == "multiply":
        amount = int(array[int(command[1])]) * int(array[int(command[2])])
        array.insert(int(command[1]), str(amount))
    elif command[0] == "decrease":
        for item in array:
            new_array.append(int(item) - 1)
    command = input().split()
    if command[0] == "end":
print(", ".join(map(str, new_array)))


Решение 40/100

array = input().split()
command = input().split()
amount = 0
while not command == "end":
    if command[0] == "swap":
        array[int(command[1])], array[int(command[2])] = array[int(command[2])], array[int(command[1])]
    if command[0] == "multiply":
        amount = int(array[int(command[1])]) * int(array[int(command[2])])
        array.insert(int(command[1]), str(amount))
    if command[0] == "decrease":
        decreased_array = [int(x)-1 for x in array]
    if command[0] == "end":
    command = input().split()
print(", ".join(map(str, array)))

Предварително благодаря за отделеното време и направените усилия!

Python Fundamentals 08/07/2020 14:25:30
Pe6ko13 avatar Pe6ko13 8 Точки


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Използваме бисквитки, за да измерваме маркетинг ефективността ни, броене на посещения, както и за проследяването дали дадено електронно писмо е било отворено.