Olegati avatar Olegati 7 Точки

03. VetClinic 85/100 - Java Advanced Retake Exam - 19 August 2020


На задача VetClinic  от Java Advanced Retake Exam - 19 August 2020 ми гърмят 2 теста. Предполагам, че проблема е или в toString() метода или в getStatistics() метода - обикновено там ми излиза грешка.

Pet Class -> https://pastebin.com/NWETF4yk

vetClinic Class -> https://pastebin.com/vstq1E7U

Main -> https://pastebin.com/B1vngfU8

Линк към Judge -> https://judge.softuni.org/Contests/Practice/Index/2531#2


Your task is to create a repository, which stores items by creating the classes described below.

First, write a Java class Pet with the following fields:

  • name: String
  • age: int
  • owner: String

The class constructor should receive name, age and owner.  You need to create the appropriate getters and setters. The class should override the toString() method in the following format:

"{name} {age} ({owner})"

Next, write a Java class Clinic that has data (a collection, which stores the Pets). All entities inside the repository have the same fields. Also, the Clinic class should have those filelds:

  • capacity: int

The class constructor should receive capacity, also it should initialize the data with a new instance of the collection. Implement the following features:

  • Field dataList that holds added pets
  • Method add(Pet pet) – adds an entity to the data if there is an empty cell for the pet.
  • Method remove(String name) – removes the pet by given name, if such exists, and returns boolean.
  • Method getPet(String name, String owner) – returns the pet with the given name and owner or null if no such pet exists.
  • Method getOldestPet() – returns the oldest Pet.
  • Getter getCount – returns the number of pets.
  • getStatistics()returns a String in the following format:
    • "The clinic has the following patients:
      name} {owner}
      name} {owner}



  • The combinations of names and owners will always be unique.
  • The age of the pets will always be positive.


This is an example of how the Clinic class is intended to be used.

Sample code usage

// Initialize the repository

Clinic clinic = new Clinic(20);


// Initialize entity

Pet dog = new Pet("Ellias", 5, "Tim");


// Print Pet

System.out.println(dog); // Ellias 5 (Tim)


// Add Pet



// Remove Pet

System.out.println(clinic.remove("Ellias")); // true

System.out.println(clinic.remove("Pufa")); // false


Pet cat = new Pet("Bella", 2, "Mia");

Pet bunny = new Pet("Zak", 4, "Jon");





// Get Oldest Pet

Pet oldestPet = clinic.getOldestPet();

System.out.println(oldestPet); // Zak 4 (Jon)


// Get Pet

Pet pet = clinic.getPet("Bella", "Mia");

System.out.println(pet); // Bella 2 (Mia)


// Count

System.out.println(clinic.getCount()); // 2


// Get Statistics


//The clinic has the following patients:

//Bella Mia

//Zak Jon

Java Advanced
Olegati avatar Olegati 7 Точки

Открих защо гърми единият тест благодарение на колегат @martinbg. Грешката е в метода getOldestPet() в класа Clinic:

public Pet getOldestPet() {
        int oldestAge = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int index = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.data.size();i++) {
            if (this.data.get(i).getAge() >= oldestAge) {
                index = i;
                oldestAge = this.data.get(i).getAge();
        return this.data.get(index);

Но все още един тест гърми незнайно защо.

Scarabey avatar Scarabey 0 Точки


Провери дали си сетнал като "private" полетата в двата класа (специално за тази задача всички трябва да са private), понеже Judge и от това гърми.

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