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Cloud Computing and its business benefits and costs

Cloud computing takes place when people gain power over computing over the internet rather than buying their own software .One organisation that uses cloud computing is NASA .As we all know NASA is an agency of the government of USA which is responsible for space program .NASA has many cloud computing programs which includes Nebula , which is being developed under NASA’s Ames Research Centre .It provides high capacity and fast service computing even for storage and better network connectivity .The best part is that it saves energy .The Nebula is full revised which has formed a fast development for better and safe applications of internet .NASA’s IT infrastructure is Space Exploration .This infrastructure assures the right in infrastructure so that the capabilities are in timeframe (Meyer 2003)

Cloud Computing: Hosting the information over a network                               

Emergence of cloud computing has brought many advantages to the nation serving organizations .If we talk through a common man's perspective, since cloud computing requires no software or hardware it enables individuals or organizations to store files .The most interesting fact is that many users are doing cloud computing although they don't know it .For example-we all use face book twitter, etc. To connect to our close friends and relatives, business dealers etc rather than chatting soft ware's like Skype and yahoo messenger (Kerr 2005).

Cloud computing has many advantages for international organizations. The biggest advantage is that the office staff can access the files or other company information even when they are not in the office .Office workers can access the data and information of the company from wherever they are. No matter what, cloud computing has brought a drastic change in the whole banking system. Staff can access each other easily through the internet. This is one of the main advantages for the working staff in an office of cloud computing. Communication through cloud computing is increasing and advancing as chatting and emailing is becoming more common. This has made our work easier and faster than before. Office workers now take less than an hour to complete their work as they just open the internet and ready to start and even finish. Downloading soft ware's take much more time. Cloud computing is cheaper as we don't need to buy and install expensive soft ware's. If we have internet access we can surely work online. Children today are fond of playing games on the computer. For their kind information, they now don't need to go to disks and hard drive shops. If they have internet access, either on blackberry phones or on the computer, they can surely enjoy playing online games (Bartlett, 2005)

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