Задача 10.Icon Font List от курса JS Front-End модула CSS & HTML
Това е условието на задачата:
10. Icon Font List
You will be given a skeleton with HTML and an empty CSS file. Write the missing CSS and HTML following the guidelines in the task. Add icons with the following classes in the HTML <li> tag: fas fa-check, fas fa-star, fas fa-envelope, fab fa-twitter, fab fa-linkedin.
- <body>
- Font: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma
- Generic Font: sans-serif
- Height of the line: 1.5
- Font size: 18px
- <ul>
- Set the list style type to none
- The icons in the <ul class="check"> (you can select them like that: ul.check i)
- Color: #2fcc71
- Font size: 25px
- The icons in the <ul class="star"> (you can select them like that: ul.star i)
- Color: coral
- Font size: 25px
- The icons in the <ul class="contact"> (you can select them like that: ul.contact i)
- Color: #3498da
- Font size: 25px
- Use FontAwesome for this task. Import it in your CSS, with the @import rule
Това е моето решение:
CSS - https://pastebin.com/P5CU4sMs
HTML - https://pastebin.com/hxUMd7SS
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Много благодаря.