How to select the element in a webpage using Ui path - Not by mouse click?

I am new to UIpath, and I have past experience in web scraping using VBA with a selenium web driver.

So I won't click a button with the below element.

> <a href="#" id="toggle2" class="btn btn-primary" style="float:right;">

Usually, I can do this in VBA with selenium web driver with this code

> driver.findelementbyid("toggle2").click

So in Ui-path, I can do this using click activity, but the problem is the button at the top right corner is being overlapped by another popup given by a browser extension.

So what I want is to click the button but not via mouse. Also, I tried to use select activity but that only works in the dropdown.Related to this topic is discussed in Uipath Training.

The process involves many areas where the button is overlapped by other pop-ups. I know that we can close the pop-up provided by the browser extension and then continue, however, the pop-up does not show every time when I run the script. So I am trying to do this just like selecting the element without mouse activity.