ReactJS Fundamentals - юни 2018
Умения, които ще придобиеш
- Какво е Single Page Application
- Основни познания по React и JSX
- Клиентски приложения с React
- Работа с отдалечени REST услуги
- Компонентно-базирани приложения
- Свързване с Redux
Resources -
Course Introduction -
Intro to React.js -
Exercise: Intro to React.js -
Components -
Exercise: Components -
Events and Forms -
Exercise: Events and Forms -
Routing and Architecture -
Exercise: Routing and Architecture -
Higher-Order Components -
Exercise: Higher-Order Components -
Add-on Libraries -
Workshop -
Project Consultation -
Project Defenses -
Project Consultation -
Retake Exam
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