DadiEinarsson avatar DadiEinarsson 21 Точки

Is it possible to get input values from Judge?

I would like to know if it is possible to get the input values for the tests run in the homework tasks in Judge. I ask this as it comes  up from time to time that the zero tests come out correctly but some of the others come out with wrong result or even runtime error. Despite testing it again and again on my computer everything comes out right as it should be. As it is now we have no idea when submitting the task what our errors are and there are only so many options we can come up with to trace the error when we have no info on what the input was and any more detail than "Runtime error".

Fundamentals Module
spzvtbg avatar spzvtbg 581 Точки

May by if you past  your code  here we can help you without the inputs!?

DadiEinarsson avatar DadiEinarsson 21 Точки

I think you misunderstand my question. I am asking if we can get the input so that we can actually figure out where the errors are and work on our code like that. It is now a little bit like if you would be in one of my English classes and had responded to a question (for example what is the best thing about Bulgaria and why?) and I would just tell you that you made mistakes without giving any information about what your mistake was. Then when asked I would tell you to figure it out yourself with your fellow students. That would hardly be a good learning experience.

spzvtbg avatar spzvtbg 581 Точки

look, no one will you give  the inputs, so share your Solution and someone help you, possibly by the tasks no methers the Country where you from.You also dont tell as with witch task is your problem!?

05/08/2017 11:31:09
DadiEinarsson avatar DadiEinarsson 21 Точки

I am not going  to go into some argument with you but  I am making a general request/suggestion as I would assume that when it comes to fixing errors in software development that the developer has access to the input that caused the error. Judge is basically testing if given input provides specified output and therefore it would be helpful to have access to the input to replicate the error in the program. Very much in the same way as the zero tests provide us with input and the output so that we can fix the errors.

melik avatar melik 285 Точки

Greetings DadiEinarsson.

I'm not sure if I will give you the best answer but I'll try my best to answer your question.


Test #10 (Runtime error) means you got an error while running the program. This can be done if you want to parse some text to an integer or something like that.

Test #1 (Runtime error) means that you might be overflowing the int and etc.
And about the question "is it possible to get the input values for the tests run in the homework tasks in judge", you can take the "input" but on the zero tests from the judge, but they are the same with the tests of the task, so it will be meaningless. 

Other tests can come out with wrong result because you have a double, and they want an int, it can also be that your logic is wrong or something like that.

Hope I've helped you if you need further assistance please post your code down below and someone of us will help you!

Kind regards,



05/08/2017 15:32:25
AlucardDracula avatar AlucardDracula 416 Точки

Answer is No ( only some of old exams have these inputs public, for example: Advanced C# Exam 13 March 2016.)
Idea ot these inputs are to test your program, and if there is vulnerable like runtime error(occurs when you program throws exception), memory error(when your program uses much more time to do something from time limit of given problem) and wrong answers(when your program must print for example "AA", but it prints "BB").
You need to imagine where your program can give this sort of error/wrong input.

We can help you if you give information about given problem you solving. 

05/08/2017 13:57:03
gadjov avatar gadjov 115 Точки

Hello, there is no known way to see input in tests if they are locked!  If you find some kind of exploit, there is a cash reward if share it with the devs of SoftUni. 

For run time error i can share u some trick, use try catch to see wich part thr exception ;) 

05/08/2017 23:45:33
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