07.Choreography - от Условни конструкции -Упражнение - какво не е наред? - защо не излизат вярно процентите?
namespace _07._Choreography
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int brDancers = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int brDni = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int brStypkiForOne = n / brDancers;
double obshtBrStnaDen = n / brDni;
double obshtProcentStNaDen = (obshtBrStnaDen / n) *100;
double procentStZaDancer = obshtProcentStNaDen /brDancers;
if (obshtProcentStNaDen <= 13)
Console.WriteLine("Yes, they will succeed in that goal! {0:f2}%.", procentStZaDancer);
Console.WriteLine("Not, they will not succeed in that goal! Required {0:f2}% steps to be learned per day.", procentStZaDancer);