Java -Fundamentals Objects and Classes -Lab- Students

Здравейте, някой може ли да ми каже защо не ми принтира скенера? решавах я по видеото от лекцията..не виждам къде е грешката, моля за помощ...яко ме измъчи

Define a class Student, which holds the following information about students: first name, last name, age and hometown. 
Read list of students until you receive "end" command. After that, you will receive a city name. Print only students which are from the given city, in the following format: "{firstName} {lastName} is {age} years old.".

John Smith 15 Sofia
Peter Ivanov 14 Plovdiv
Linda Bridge 16 Sofia
Simon Stone 12 Varna
Sofia    John Smith is 15 years old.
Linda Bridge is 16 years old.