Angular Redux: Console Error with Effects
Здравейте! Имам следната конзолна грешка: "PostEffects.allPosts$" dispatched an invalid action:, която ми е малко непонятна?
Имам следните екшъни:
export class GetAll implements IAction<null> { type = ActionTypes.GetAll; constructor(public payload: null) { } } export class GetAllSuccess implements IAction<PostInfo[]> { type = ActionTypes.GetAllSuccess; constructor(public payload: PostInfo[]) { } } export class GetAllFailed implements IAction<{ error: any }> { type = ActionTypes.GetAllFailed; constructor(public payload: { error: any }) { } }
Това е ми е ефекта:
@Effect() allPosts$ = this.actions$.pipe( ofType<GetAll>(ActionTypes.GetAll), switchMap(() => { return this.postService.getAll().pipe( map((posts) => [new GetAllSuccess(posts)]), catchError((err) => [new GetAllFailed({error: err.error})]) ); }) );
I was also interested in programming, but at some point I stopped liking it. instead, I became interested in the service
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