01. Disneyland Journey MID EXAM
function solve(arr) {
let costNeeded = +arr.shift()
let months = +arr.shift()
let sum = 0
let percentage = costNeeded * 0.25
for (let i = 1; i < months; i++) {
let bonus = sum * 0.25
if (i % 4 == 0) {
sum += bonus
if (i % 2 == 1 && i >= 2) {
sum -= sum * 0.16
sum += percentage
if (sum >= costNeeded) {
console.log(`Bravo! You can go to Disneyland and you will have ${(sum - costNeeded).toFixed(2)}lv. for souvenirs.`)
let more = costNeeded - sum
console.log(`Sorry. You need ${more.toFixed(2)}lv. more.`)
Тва е моя код. Дава ми 40 от 100
Задачата е от: Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Retake - 10 December 2019
Даде: 100/100
Супер! Моля и честито. :-)
Аз го правя точно както казвате и пак е 40/100