Проблем с задаяа Vehicles Extension от Polymorphism

Здравейте, имам проблем със 2ра задача Vehicles Extension, гърми ми на 3ти тест и не мога да отркрия от кое точно гърми. бих се радвал някой да ме насочи къде ми е грешката.

Моя код:

Program.cs: https://pastebin.com/pB1KRKZa

Vehicle: https://pastebin.com/rT3MNndc

Truck: https://pastebin.com/08VTFPPf

Car: https://pastebin.com/NdtNG2uS

Bus: https://pastebin.com/FxDXkufW

IRefuelable: https://pastebin.com/h29k2KZz

IDrivable: https://pastebin.com/CUCbzxDN

Това е условието на задачата:

Use your solution of the previous task for the starting point and add more functionality. Add a new vehicle – Bus. Add to every vehicle a new property – tank capacity. A vehicle cannot start with or refuel above its tank capacity.

If you try to put more fuel in the tank than the available space, print on the console "Cannot fit {fuel amount} fuel in the tank" and do not add any fuel in the vehicle’s tank. If you try to create a vehicle with more fuel than its tank capacity, create it but start with an empty tank.

Add a new command for the bus. You can drive the bus with or without people. With people, the air-conditioner is turned on and its fuel consumption per kilometer is increased by 1.4 liters. If there are no people in the bus, the air-conditioner is turned off and does not increase the fuel consumption.

Finally, add a validation for the amount of fuel given to the Refuel command – if it is 0 or negative, print "Fuel must be a positive number".


  • On the first three lines you will receive information about the vehicles in the format:
  • "Vehicle {initial fuel quantity} {liters per km} {tank capacity}"
  • On the fourth line – the number of commands N that will be given on the next N lines
  • On the next N lines – commands in format:
  • "Drive Car {distance}"
  • "Drive Truck {distance}"
  • "Drive Bus {distance}"
  • "DriveEmpty Bus {distance}"
  • "Refuel Car {liters}"
  • "Refuel Truck {liters}"
  • "Refuel Bus {liters}"


  • After each Drive command, if there was enough fuel, print on the console a message in the format:
  • "Car/Truck travelled {distance} km"
  • If there was not enough fuel, print:
  • "Car/Truck needs refueling"
  • If you try to refuel with an amount ≤ 0 print:
  • "Fuel must be a positive number"
  • If the given fuel cannot fit in the tank, print:
  • "Cannot fit {fuel amount} fuel in the tank"
  • After the End command, print the remaining fuel for all vehicles, rounded to 2 digits after the floating point in the format:
  • "Car: {liters}"
  • "Truck: {liters}"
  • "Bus: {liters}"




Car 30 0.04 70

Truck 100 0.5 300

Bus 40 0.3 150


Refuel Car -10

Refuel Truck 0

Refuel Car 10

Refuel Car 300

Drive Bus 10

Refuel Bus 1000

DriveEmpty Bus 100

Refuel Truck 1000 

Fuel must be a positive number

Fuel must be a positive number

Cannot fit 300 fuel in the tank

Bus travelled 10 km

Cannot fit 1000 fuel in the tank

Bus needs refueling

Cannot fit 1000 fuel in the tank

Car: 40.00

Truck: 100.00

Bus: 23.00