How to write a descriptive text?


The descriptive text should provide the reader with a clear picture of an event, place, object or person. It must present excellent descriptions and relevant sensory details. Perhaps you should write a descriptive text as part of a course or decide to do this just for fun. Before you start writing, you should first brainstorm the topics and develop a plan for the text. Then write a good introduction so that the reader is carried away by the story.

Part1: Reflect to find essay topics

1:Choose a person to describe

Descriptive text can be about someone you care about such as a role model, parent, friend or mentor. This can be a loved one who knew you during a formative period of your life, like your mother. It can also be someone you don't really know, but who has qualities that you admire or want to imitate such as your favorite Football player.

If you are writing descriptive text for a university application, you should write about someone who is your mentor or a role model for you. Its description in your writing will give you the opportunity to explain the reason why this person is important to you and the lessons you have learned from them.

2:Describe an object

You also have the option of writing on an object that matters to you. It can be something from your adolescence or your childhood to know something you hold dear when you were a child or an object that you hated the most. It can also be an object that has sentimental value or a deep meaning for you.

  • You can for example write on your favorite childhood toy as a subject for your writing & expository essay writing

  • You can therefore describe it and say the importance you attach to it as you grow.


3:Choose a place to describe

Identify a place that matters to you and describe it in your essay. It can be a favorite place in your school, your bedroom or your city. You can also choose the perfect place or somewhere in the world that you could visit if you wanted.

  • You can for example choose the most beautiful place you have ever visited. Next, describe the experience you had there and the feeling it gave you.

4:Choose a souvenir or event to describe

Think of an important fact in your life and use it as an essay. It can be an event that happened a long time ago or recently. Choose a fact that changed your perception of the world or an event from which you learned a lesson.

  • For example, you can choose the first time you have your period or visit a loved one in the hospital.

Part2: Plan the dissertation

1:Follow a timeline

One way to draft a descriptive text is to follow a timeline, which allows you to follow a time order. The writing should go from one scene to another while describing the moments or the facts just as they happened. This is an excellent plan if you plan to write a descriptive text relating to a memory or an event. The plan will look like this 

  • first paragraph: introduction,

  • second paragraph: first scene,

  • third paragraph: second scene,

  • fourth paragraph: third scene,

  • fifth paragraph: conclusion,

  • you can use five paragraphs or create more than one for each scene.


2: Us a spatial variation

It follows the order of space and allows you to write the text by place. The writing will be done just like a cinematographic camera by providing the details on each place. This is a great option in case you are writing about a place. The plan will look as follows  

  • first paragraph: introduction

  • second paragraph: first place

  • third paragraph: second place

  • fourth paragraph: third place

  • fifth paragraph: conclusion


3: Take into account the climatic conditions

A weather model follows the order of importance, which allows you to organize everything from least to most important. In this way, you will reserve the climatic moment or the most crucial part for the end of the dissertation. You can use this plan for most subjects relating to an event, object or person. You can do this  

  • first paragraph: introduction

  • second paragraph: less important details

  • third paragraph: second less important details

  • fourth paragraph: key details

  • fifth paragraph: conclusion


4:Create a thesis statement  

No matter which model or plan you choose for your descriptive text, you should have a thesis statement. The latter must appear in the introduction and in the conclusion of the dissertation. A catchy thesis statement will introduce the main theme or idea of ​​your text. It will serve as a roadmap or guide for the rest of your writing (

  • If, for example, you describe in your text a person who is a model for you, your thesis statement would be “Thanks to her reaction that day in grade 6, she taught me to overcome negativity and to believe in my skills in that artist. "

Part3: Create a relevant introduction to the essay

1:Start with a catchy first line

 Attract the reader's attention by starting the text with a first sentence that will immediately keep them in vogue. This must start with a scene followed by a strong description of a person, object, place or event. You could also describe your first experience with an object, a person, a place or event. Give the reader a direct experience so that they feel involved

  • You can for example describe the first time you held an important object with a sentence like "The first time I held a Barbie doll (with her silicone skin and blue eyes) in my hand, I vowed to protect her all my life. "


2: Create a context and a story

You should situate the reader by telling a short story on the subject. Provide him with as much information so that he has a thorough knowledge of the memory, event, place or object on which you write. The context must permeate the reader of the text 

  • For example, you can briefly explain why you care so much about the object based on your knowledge and experiences of the time. Write something like, "Until now, I had never had a doll before, and while the other girls were waving theirs in the playground, I had to wait until my 5 year birthday to have mine. "


3:Make use of sensory details

Details are an important factor in writing descriptive text. They focus on the five senses: hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. Include several sensory details in your introductory paragraph. Describe how a scene looks. Talk about the smell or the feeling of an object. Give details of the appearance or the appearance of a place..

    • For example, instead of writing The doll was pretty , you can give sensory details about it by writing "The doll was cold and soft in my hands." It smells like baby powder or flowers. It sounds hollow when I press on his chest. "

4: Demonstrate instead of telling 

To write a good introduction to your essay, you should just present a scene to your reader instead of telling them that. Refer to using the facts as they happened, or simply to relate the unfolding of a scene. Instead, use sensory details and descriptions relevant to the reader to live a memory or bring it to a place, an event or a time 

  • For example, you can describe the feeling of being in your childhood home in these terms: "The best memories I have had of my childhood home are the marks, scrapes and nicks made on the walls by my brothers and me when we were fighting or running around the house. "

  • If you are writing about a person, use examples of their behavior to show the reader their character, rather than just giving them food for thought.

  • For example, you can write “Mrs. Delafleur showed compassion for me by taking the time to work with me after class. I sat on the small wooden chair in front of her desk with the pencil in hand while she explained to me how to conjugate a verb. She said the verb to be in a calm, but firm voice. "