A Last Note on the Management of RuneScape

I think we are at a crossroads in RuneScape's development, and OSRS gold I think Jagex is close to shooting us down the wrong path towards RS3's failures. Why are we now at this crossroads? Twitch, streaming, and YouTube. Jagex DESPERATELY needs to capitalize on this market to boost the player-base.

We have seen these attempts reflected such as: The concentrate on Morytania content, such as Darkmeyer. While I loved the changes, they have everything to do with Settled and the popularity of his Morytania series. Attempting to capitalize on the flowing marketplace is notifying development priorities. Twitch-Prime promotions. Jagex understands these promotions flooding RuneScape with robots which hurt the economy that is in-game.

Ever wonder Jagex has begun not polling PvP updates? There's far more at issue than simply the"integrity" of polls. Jagex sees PvP because the future of RuneScape because PvP is the activity on Twitch. They want OSRS to become an e-sport. These include, but aren't restricted to. Jagex ignored player opinions and made the problem worse. However, they won't fix the issue, since they don't wish to be regarded as Anti-PvP and don't care. They are looking to increase subscribers, and also to make PvP the.

Content like the Ferox Enclave. The Ferox Enclave fundamentally changes RuneScape, and should have been polled since it affects more than just PvPers. It wasn't. Again, this has to do with ethics. Jagex is creating since they want to draw in more players via streaming, PvP its focus. More unpolled content that is PvP. The path we are currently heading down is that all PvP articles will probably be unpolled. Jagex is desperate for the Twitch marketplace, and will disguise them as"ethics" upgrades, till they catch that market (they won't).

I mention all this together with the Slayer update because I think they are related. As a community, we should be very worried. I recommend Jagex to keep in mind that OSRS is far more popular than RS3. Do not forsake your heart player-base at a (self-defeating) effort to appeal to a wider audience. It did not work and it will not work.Back the Jmods made. We see Jmods walking off since the community that is sour shoots down al their imagination. The greatest downfall of RuneScape would be. But the fact this community destroy their tips for RuneScape. I have to disagree strongly with your purpose. No offense but it's apparent you believe developers understand the most appropriate for buy 2007 runescape gold the material they produce, most do not.