Companies uses digital enterprise solutions these days

In the modern world we live in, digital resources are ubiquitous. Organizations of all sizes are creating more and more in the course of their business activities, and more than ever need digital enterprise solutions to manage them. Digital asset management (sometimes called DAM, from Digital Asset Management) consists of storing, organizing and retrieving the content such as photos, audio files, videos, and animations that you need in your projects. . A DAM solution can also help you manage digital rights and permissions relating to these files.

A digital resource is any useful content stored on a computer. In recent years, many organizations have faced increasing amounts of digital resources have adopted systems for managing these resources. Their motivations are multiple and sometimes very simple.

Digital asset management software integrates directly with authoring software and optimizes its functionality, simplifies work processes and improves productivity.

  • To boost productivity, quality DAM software follows intuitive logic and is implemented quickly, without the need for constant technical support.
  • Resources managed by a DAM system can be shared more easily, ensuring optimal operation.
  • The management of digital resources simplifies the exchange of files within teams, whatever their size.