dimitarstoyanov90 avatar dimitarstoyanov90 164 Точки

Аз лично решавам задачи от телерик академията ще постна една такава тъй като са дълги и междувременно ще се опитам да намеря полезни други линкове :

Problem 1 – American Pie

People love pie. Especially Americans! They really love sweet nice just now baked pies. And you certainly love American Pie! We know you do, don’t try to argue!

Talking about pies, uncle Pi (not to be mistaken with the math Pi – 3.141592653589793) owns a bakery. He sells very delicious pies. His little dirty secret is that he actually gets the pies from outside shops.  Two, if we have to be precise. Every morning uncle Pi receives two packages full of cut pie pieces. The problem is that each package’s pies are cut into different amount of pieces, giving uncle Pi two kinds of pies to sell. His solution is to divide the pieces into smaller pieces so that they have the same size. You should help uncle Pi and not by cutting his pies, but by writing a computer program to calculate how much pieces and complete pies he will have after the final cuts.

If you are not familiar with math fractions – shame on you but here it is an explanation! Fraction F/G consists of two parts – nominator (F) and denominator (G). The decimal value of every fraction is equal to the denominator dividing the nominator.  For example the fraction 4/2 is equal to 2. Also on one given fraction you can multiply the nominator and the denominator by a number and the fraction’s value will not change. For example 2/5 is equal to 4/10.

You are given two fractions A/B and C/D representing parts of the two types of pies. A, B, C and D are always positive integers. You should calculate the total amount of pie you have from the two packages. In other words your task is to find the sum between the two fractions of pies. If you receive at least one complete full pie, you should calculate only the amount of full pies from the result. For example 5/2 pies are 2 pies and a half. Your final result is 2. Otherwise, if you receive less than one full pie, you should calculate the decimal result, with exactly 20 digits after the decimal point - rounded. For example 2/3 pies are equal to 0.66666666666666666667 pies as final result. In both cases you should calculate the fraction result with denominator equal to B * D. For example 2/4 + 2/3 = 14/12.


The input data should be read from the console.

On the first input line you will receive the positive integer A.

On the second input line you will receive the positive integer B.

On the third input line you will receive the positive integer C.

On the fourth input line you will receive the positive integer D.

The input data will always be valid and in the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.


The output should be printed on the console.

If there is at least one complete pie, on the first output line you should print the amount of complete pies.

Otherwise, on the first output line you should print the decimal result with exactly 20 digits after the decimal point.

On the second output line, you should print the final fraction result with denominator equal to B * D.



  • A, B, C, D will be positive integers between 1 and 999 999, inclusive.
  •          Allowed working time for your program: 0.10 seconds. Allowed memory: 16 MB.


Input example

Output example






















dimitarstoyanov90 avatar dimitarstoyanov90 164 Точки

Иначе ето ти линк към bgcoder.com, където има голям брой такива задачки: bgcoder.com

dimitarstoyanov90 avatar dimitarstoyanov90 164 Точки

Ще постна и една малко по - "засукана" задачка:

Problem 3 – Binary Digits

You are given a non-negative integer number N. Your task is to print the last 16 bits of the binary representation of N on the console. Every bit is printed in a rectangular area with 4 rows and 3 columns.

A bit with value of 1 should be printed in the format:


A bit with value of 0 should be printed in the format:


Between every single bit there should be an empty column containing only dots (".").


The input data should be read from the console.

On the only input line there will be a non-negative integer number N which bits must be printed on the console.

The input data will always be valid and in the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.


The output should be printed on the console.

You should print the last 16 bits of N on the console in the described format.

Your output should contain exactly 4 lines with 63 symbols on each line. Symbols should be only hashes ("#") and dots (".").


  • The number N will be a non-negative integer number between 0 and 2147483647, inclusive.
  • The only C# Console methods that you are allowed to use are Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine(). This means that Console.SetCursorPosition() will not work.
  •          Allowed working time for your program: 0.10 seconds. Allowed memory: 16 MB.


Input example

Output example




























dimitarstoyanov90 avatar dimitarstoyanov90 164 Точки

Ако имаш някакви затруднения и търсиш малко или много насока за решаване питай. Но се опитай като цяло за момента да се справиш сам :) Успех от мен :)

Можем ли да използваме бисквитки?
Ние използваме бисквитки и подобни технологии, за да предоставим нашите услуги. Можете да се съгласите с всички или част от тях.
Използваме бисквитки и подобни технологии, за да предоставим нашите услуги. Използваме „сесийни“ бисквитки, за да Ви идентифицираме временно. Те се пазят само по време на активната употреба на услугите ни. След излизане от приложението, затваряне на браузъра или мобилното устройство, данните се трият. Използваме бисквитки, за да предоставим опцията „Запомни Ме“, която Ви позволява да използвате нашите услуги без да предоставяте потребителско име и парола. Допълнително е възможно да използваме бисквитки за да съхраняваме различни малки настройки, като избор на езика, позиции на менюта и персонализирано съдържание. Използваме бисквитки и за измерване на маркетинговите ни усилия.
Използваме бисквитки, за да измерваме маркетинг ефективността ни, броене на посещения, както и за проследяването дали дадено електронно писмо е било отворено.