Programming Fundamentals Final Exam - Problem 3. Plant Discovery

Здравейте от няколко дена се мъча върху тази задача и все не мога да я докарам до 100 точки гледах и други решения на тази задача, но така и не намерих къде може да съм сгрешил. Това е задачата Judge:

Моето решение на задачата със 50 точки в Judge:

Това е и условието :

On the first line you will receive a number n. On the next n lines, you will be given some information about the plants that you have discovered in the format: "{plant}<->{rarity}". Store that information, because you will need it later. If you receive a plant more than once, update its rarity.

After that until you receive the command "Exhibition" you will be given some of these commands:

  • Rate: {plant} - {rating}add the given rating to the plant (store all ratings)
  • Update: {plant} - {new_rarity}update the rarity of the plant with the new one
  • Reset: {plant}remove all the ratings of the given plant

Note: If any of the command is invalid, print "error"

After the command "Exhibition" print the information that you have about the plants in the following format:

Plants for the exhibition:
- {plant_name}; Rarity: {rarity}; Rating: {average_rating formatted to the 2nd digit}

The plants should be sorted by rarity descending, then by average rating descending

Input / Constraints

  • You will recive the input as described above
  • JavaScript: you will receive a list of strings


  • Print the information about all plants as described above










Rate: Woodii - 10

Rate: Welwitschia - 7

Rate: Arnoldii - 3

Rate: Woodii - 5

Update: Woodii - 5

Reset: Arnoldii


Plants for the exhibition:

- Woodii; Rarity: 5; Rating: 7.50

- Arnoldii; Rarity: 4; Rating: 0.00

- Welwitschia; Rarity: 2; Rating: 7.00