NataliaD avatar NataliaD 3 Точки

Custom List от Java Advanced - Generics


Имам проблем със задача Custom List от Java Advanced - Generics ! Последния тест ми гърми каквото и да променям и да опитвам! 

Моля, ако някой може да помогне!



Problem 7. Custom List
Create a generic data structure that can store any type that can be compared. Implement functions:
 void add(T element)
 T remove(int index)
 boolean contains(T element)
 void swap(int index, int index)
 int countGreaterThan(T element)
 T getMax()
 T getMin()
Create a command interpreter that reads commands and modifies the custom list that you have created. Implement
the commands:
 Add {element} - Adds the given element to the end of the list.
 Remove {index} - Removes the element at the given index.
 Contains {element} - Prints if the list contains the given element (true or false).
 Swap {index1} {index2} - Swaps the elements at the given indexes.
 Greater {element} - Counts the elements that are greater than the given element and prints their count

Max - Prints the maximum element in the list.
 Min - Prints the minimum element in the list.
 Print - Prints all elements in the list, each on a separate line.
 END - stops the reading of commands.
Note: For the Judge tests, use String as T.
Input Output Input Output
Add aa
Add bb
Add cc
Greater aa
Swap 0 2
Contains aa


Java Advanced
icowwww avatar icowwww 2866 Точки
Best Answer


Когато получиш Print принтираш елементите, но накрая имаш празен ред.

Това ще мине тестовете, ако Print е последна команда, защото judge прави trim на резултата.

Добави в toString метода trim() при return-a:

return builder.toString().trim();
NataliaD avatar NataliaD 3 Точки

Получи се, много благодавя! 

James227 avatar James227 20 Точки

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