Проблем с 02. Armies от Associative Arrays - More Exercises
Колеги, въртях, суках, но задачата все ми гърми на 2рия тест.
Ако някой може да удари едно рамо, благодаря предварително!
Моето решение - https://pastebin.com/HybBABSe
Задачката - https://judge.softuni.org/Contests/Practice/Index/1305#1
Write a function that stores information about an army leader and his armies. The input will be an array of strings. The strings can be in some of the following formats:
"{leader} arrives" – add the leader (no army)
"{leader}: {army name}, {army count}" – add the army with its count to the leader (if he exists)
"{army name} + {army count}" – if the army exists somewhere add the count
"{leader} defeated" – delete the leader and his army (if he exists)
When finished reading the input sort the leaders by total army count in descending. Then each army should be sorted by count in descending.
Print in the following format:
"{leader one name}: {total army count}
>>> {armyOne name} - {army count}
>>> {armyTwo name} - {army count}
{leader two name}: {total army count}
- The new leaders will always be unique
- When adding a new army to the leader, the army will be unique
Input |
Output |
['Rick Burr arrives', 'Fergus: Wexamp, 30245', 'Rick Burr: Juard, 50000', 'Findlay arrives', 'Findlay: Britox, 34540', 'Wexamp + 6000', 'Juard + 1350', 'Britox + 4500', 'Porter arrives', 'Porter: Legion, 55000', 'Legion + 302', 'Rick Burr defeated', 'Porter: Retix, 3205'] |
Porter: 58507 >>> Legion - 55302 >>> Retix - 3205 Findlay: 39040 >>> Britox - 39040 |
['Rick Burr arrives', 'Findlay arrives', 'Rick Burr: Juard, 1500', 'Wexamp arrives', 'Findlay: Wexamp, 34540', 'Wexamp + 340', 'Wexamp: Britox, 1155', 'Wexamp: Juard, 43423'] |
Wexamp: 44578 >>> Juard - 43423 >>> Britox - 1155 Findlay: 34880 >>> Wexamp - 34880 Rick Burr: 1500 >>> Juard - 1500 |
Промених подхода , така че да се записват данните в обект държащ {лидер1:{армии}, лидер2:{армии} ... лидер(n):{армии}} и се получи, мисля че проблема беше при четенето на данните.
Мерси много и съжалявам за разбъркания код.