04. Heroic Inventory
Някой идея , защо ми връща 80/100 в judge
код: https://pastebin.com/6yx5hYZm
Някой идея , защо ми връща 80/100 в judge
код: https://pastebin.com/6yx5hYZm
"Create a function that creates a register for the heroes, with their names, level, and items, if they have such" (=> should maybe add: when no items, set items to empty array ).
if (items.length != 0) {
let obj = {
name: heroName,
level: heroLevel,
items: items,
} else {
let obj = {
name: heroName,
level: heroLevel,
items: [], // => items need to be set to empty array !!!
Ето едно по-кратко решение :