How to improve your chances of getting into a top university?

Planning ahead and using professional help greatly increases the chances of further admission to desired universities. It is best to create a spreadsheet the day before admission (approximately two years in advance) that lists all the universities you are considering. Next, divide the table into columns in which to mark the information you need about universities. Thus, in a few months it will become clear to you that, for example, one of the universities does not meet your expectations because it is located further than 500 km from your home, and so on.

1. Start thinking about choosing a specialty and university in advance. Before choosing a university, you should roughly know the direction of further study in order to decide whether to take History / Art / Design / Computer sciences / Drama and other subjects that may later be needed for entrance exams and, subsequently, for the faculty of your choice.

2. Aim for high GCSE grades. They will be decisive in the selection of your Alevels and carry 20% of the decision-making weight of the Universities.

Also, if you are in a top school, you will most likely not be allowed to take an Alevel subject unless it scores 7-8 out of 9 in GCSE.

3. Start planning your tutoring sessions in advance. Good tutors can significantly increase your chances of getting high marks in exams. Also, prepare in advance to write an introductory essay or motivation letter. Essaypay is a really easy way to receive a paper, essay or motivation letter. By contacting a professional writer, you will save time in order to pull up the rest of the subjects.

4. Start immersing yourself in a specialty in advance - reading from the recommended list, online courses and lectures, summer programs, work experience, visiting enterprises from the industry. All this will significantly increase your profile, because. all universities want to see what the student did in addition to the school to learn more about the chosen direction.

5. The school's recommendations for choosing subjects are worth listening to, but checking and relying on yourself. Schools, especially top schools, will often recommend Alevel subjects to you based primarily on your chance of getting the highest grade in them.

If the school persuades you to take Politics instead of History, because. it is easier to get an A* on it, contact the faculty you are interested in and ask if this will reduce your chances.

6. Be flexible with your choice of faculty.
For example, the Faculty of Economics at the LSE is still one of the most popular with a competition of 13 people per place and it is extremely difficult to enter it without having Further Maths. At the same time, the Faculty of Management at the LSE has many financial and economic modules in its structure, and standard mathematics is enough for it, while the competition is 9 people per place. There are similar nuances with other faculties.

7. Enlist the help of experts when writing a Personal Statement. Many teens don't want any help with a Personal Statement other than the school they offer, and this often reduces their chances of getting a place at the universities they want. School facilitators are usually limited in their abilities, since they each work with 10-15 students, they help with writing a Personal Statement, but often very superficially, since they do not have time to work with each student individually. Therefore, we always recommend hiring professionals. It is always best to have someone read your personal statement or motivation letter before submitting it. It is desirable that it be an employee of the educational sphere, but in extreme cases it may be an older comrade from your future university.

Don't forget to relax and be inspired by your future. Thus, you can quickly reach the goal if you visualize it.