Heroes of Code 3
Здравейте, колеги! Може ли някой да ми помогне да разбера каква ми е грешката 80 / 100??
Здравейте, колеги! Може ли някой да ми помогне да разбера каква ми е грешката 80 / 100??
Problem was in the Heal + Recharge methods.
function solve(input) {
let num = +input.shift();
let index = 0;
let arrObjects = [];
let current = input.shift();
while (index < num) {
let obj = {};
let [hero, hitPoints, manaPoints] = current.split(' ');
hitPoints = +hitPoints;
manaPoints = +manaPoints;
obj = {
current = input.shift();
while (current !== 'End') {
if (current.includes('CastSpell')) {
let [commandName, heroName, manaPoinstNeeded, spellName] = current.split(' - ');
arrObjects.filter(el => {
if (el.hero == heroName) {
let result = el.manaPoints - manaPoinstNeeded;
// if (el.manaPoints >= manaPoinstNeeded && el.manaPoints <= 200) {
if (el.manaPoints >= manaPoinstNeeded) {
el.manaPoints -= manaPoinstNeeded;
console.log(`${el.hero} has successfully cast ${spellName} and now has ${result} MP!`)
} else {
console.log(`${el.hero} does not have enough MP to cast ${spellName}!`)
} else if (current.includes('TakeDamage')) {
let [commandName, heroName, damage, attacker] = current.split(' - ');
arrObjects.filter(el => {
if (el.hero == heroName) {
damage = +damage;
if (el.hitPoints > damage) {
el.hitPoints -= damage;
console.log(`${el.hero} was hit for ${damage} HP by ${attacker} and now has ${el.hitPoints} HP left!`)
} else {
console.log(`${el.hero} has been killed by ${attacker}!`)
let index = arrObjects.indexOf(el);
arrObjects.splice(index, 1);
} else if (current.includes('Heal')) {
let [commandName, heroName, amount] = current.split(' - ');
amount = +amount;
arrObjects.filter(el => {
if (el.hero == heroName) {
let result = el.hitPoints + amount;
if (result <= 100) {
el.hitPoints += amount;
console.log(`${el.hero} healed for ${amount} HP!`)
} else if (result > 100) {
// let residue = result - 100;
// amount = Math.abs(amount - residue);
let residue = 100 - el.hitPoints;
el.hitPoints = 100;
console.log(`${el.hero} healed for ${residue} HP!`)
// console.log(`${el.hero} healed for ${amount} HP!`)
} else if (current.includes('Recharge')) {
let [commandName, heroName, amount] = current.split(' - ');
amount = +amount;
arrObjects.filter(el => {
if (el.hero == heroName) {
let result = el.manaPoints + amount;
if (result > 200) {
// let residue = result - amount;
// amount = Math.abs(amount - residue);
let residue = 200 - el.manaPoints;
el.manaPoints = 200;
console.log(`${el.hero} recharged for ${residue} MP!`)
} else {
el.manaPoints += amount;
console.log(`${el.hero} recharged for ${amount} MP!`)
current = input.shift();
for (let line of arrObjects) {
HP: ${line.hitPoints}
MP: ${line.manaPoints}`)
Благодаря, мина всички тестове :)