Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2422 Точки

frown, check zero test #2.

searchCar :

    • There is a need for validation of the input, a shop and a model mаy not always be valid. In case of submitted invalid parameters, throw an error "Invalid input!";

    • If there are no matching elements, the function throw an error: 'There are no such models in the catalog!'

calculatePriceOfCar :

    • There is a need for validation of the input, a model, and days mаy not always be valid. In case of submitted invalid parameters, throw an error "Invalid input!";

    • Otherwise, if there is no such model, the function throw an error: 'No such model in the catalog!'.

checkBudget :

    • If the budget is less than cost, the function returns the message: 'You need a bigger budget!'.  // You need a bigger budged!



17/02/2023 20:08:33
Marin171 avatar Marin171 2 Точки

describe("rentCar test suit", function () {

    describe("searchCar", function () {

        it("When there are matching elements return count", function () {

            assert(rentCar.searchCar(["Volkswagen", "BMW", "Audi", "BMW"], 'BMW'),

                'There is 2 car of model BMW in the catalog!');


            assert(rentCar.searchCar(["Volkswagen", "BMW", "Audi", "BMW"], 'Audi'),

                'There is 1 car of model Audi in the catalog!')



        it('In case of submitted invalid parameters, throw an error "Invalid input!"', () => {

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.searchCar(), Error, 'Invalid input!');

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.searchCar(1, 2), Error, 'Invalid input!');

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.searchCar('["A","B"]', null), Error, 'Invalid input!');



        it('If there are no matching elements, the function throw an error', () => {

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.searchCar(["Volkswagen", "BMW", "Audi", "BMW"], 'Moskvich'),

                Error, 'There are no such models in the catalog!');


            assert.throws(() => rentCar.searchCar(["Volkswagen", "BMW", "Audi", "BMW"], 'Ford'),

                Error, 'There are no such models in the catalog!');




    describe('calculatePriceOfCar', () => {

        it('In case of submitted invalid parameters, throw an error "Invalid input!"', () => {

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar(), Error, 'Invalid input!');

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar('Ford', 2.2), Error, 'Invalid input!');

            assert.throws(() => rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar(null, 2), Error, 'Invalid input!');



        it('returns the model and the price it will cost ', () => {

            assert.equal(rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar('BMW', 2),

                'You choose BMW and it will cost $90!');

            assert.equal(rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar('Mercedes', 3),

                'You choose Mercedes and it will cost $150!');



        it('if there is no such model, the function throw an error: No such model in the catalog!',()=>{

            assert.throws(()=>rentCar.calculatePriceOfCar('Lada', 10), Error, 'No such model in the catalog!');




    describe('checkBudget', ()=>{

        it('Validates input', ()=>{

            assert.throws(()=>rentCar.checkBudget(), Error, 'Invalid input!')

            assert.throws(()=>rentCar.checkBudget('1', 2, 3), Error, 'Invalid input!')

            assert.throws(()=>rentCar.checkBudget(1,'2',3), Error, 'Invalid input!')

            assert.throws(()=>rentCar.checkBudget(1,2,'3'), Error, 'Invalid input!')



        it('If the budget is bigger or equal to cost, function return: You rent a car!',()=>{

            assert.equal(rentCar.checkBudget(10,10,150), 'You rent a car!');

            assert.equal(rentCar.checkBudget(10,10,100), 'You rent a car!');



        it('If the budget is less than cost, the function returns the message: You need a bigger budget!',()=>{

            assert.equal(rentCar.checkBudget(10,10,95), 'You need a bigger budget!');




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