How to write letter of enquiry

An enquiry letter is when you are not sure about a certain thing and enquire about that particular thing to know what exactly it is. To avoid confusion and not knowing about things we enquire to know to gain knowledge.

A letter of enquiry is important to know about the features of a product or if you want to know about any service so all the steps that needed to go forward so that you don't mislead.  


Here are some guidelines to follow while writing an enquiry letter:-

  • The letter should be written like a formal letter.
  • The letter should have the sender’s contact number, address, and email id at the start of it.
  •  It should include the recipient’s date and address
  •  Include a salutation at the beginning of the letter, the signature, name, and title should be at the end

Do you want to know the exact format of how to write an enquiry letter you can check it out on Pitch N Hire 

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