04. Zoo
може ли за малко помощ. На тази задача получавам 40/100 в Judge и не мога да си намеря грешката.
Това е моето решение на задачата: https://pastebin.com/NVFSTqaG
и условието на задачата: 4. Zoo
Create a class Zoo. It should have a class attribute called __animals that stores the total count of the animals in the zoo.
The __init__ method should only receive the name of the zoo. There you should also create 3 empty lists (mammals, fishes, birds). The class should also have 2 more methods: • add_animal(species, name) - based on the species, adds the name to the corresponding list • get_info(species) - based on the species returns a string in the following format: "{Species} in {zoo_name}: {names} Total animals: {total_animals}"
On the first line, you will receive the name of the zoo. On the second line, you will receive number n. On the following n lines you will receive animal info in the format: "{species} {name}". Add the animal to the zoo to the corresponding list. The species could be "mammal", "fish", or "bird". On the final line, you will receive a species. At the end, print the info for that species and the total count of animals in the zoo
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