How to Back up Google Workspace?
Google Workspace is a huge collection of applications, such as Drive, Meet, Docs, Sheets, and more. It plays an important role in storing our valuable memories and sensitive data. To safeguard this information, talking about Some various benefits of backup Google Workspace are:-
- Accidental or intentional deletions by users.
- Potential harm to your G Suite domain caused by third-party applications with “allowed” permissions.
- Loss or theft of a synced device puts your data at risk.
- Google service outages or shutdowns potentially affect your access to data.
- Data management challenges arising from mergers and acquisitions.
- The need to access G Suite data for legal or audit purposes.
- The necessity to obtain specific user data when an employee leaves the organization.
So it is necessary to take back up our Google Workspace data. Want to know how then go through the How to Back up Google Workspace.