SQL Server Database Repair Tool

If your SQL database files have become corrupt and you are looking for a tool that can recover data from corrupt SQL files, then you should go with the EasyTechTools SQL Server Database Repair Tool. This tool will be the best choice to repair your corrupt MS SQL database (MDF/NDF files) whether it has been corrupted due to hard drive failure, media contamination, virus intrusion, etc. It contains another feature where after scanning the corrupt SQL database files, the software shows you the recovered SQL database files in tables, In addition, you can select the folders you want to restore and click on the Save SQL data to finish the process. The tool contains more features which are mentioned below:- 

  • It will repair all corrupt, damaged, or inaccessible SQL MDF and NDF files.
  • Restore all the database objects from the SQL database files like Tables, Views, Triggers, Rules, Store Procedures, Functions, etc.
  • The software maintains the original data structure and properties during the process.