GodwinBishop avatar GodwinBishop 6 Точки

What is Big Data?

Big data is exactly what it sounds like: the use of extremely large and/or extremely complex datasets that stretch the capabilities of standard BI and analytics tools. 

As this definition suggests, there are several qualities that make big data distinct from traditional data analytics methods:

Volume: The data may be intimidating due to its sheer size.
Variety: The data may come in many different forms or file formats, making it harder to integrate.
Velocity: The data may arrive very rapidly in real-time, requiring you to constantly process it.
Variability: The data’s meaning may frequently change, or the data may have serious flaws and errors.
Dealing with big data is one of the greatest challenges for modern BI and analytics workflows. The good news is that when implemented correctly, ETL (and other data integration methods) can help you get data from multiple sources and generate better insights such as e-commerce metrics so you can make smarter data-driven decisions.

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ChristopherHall avatar ChristopherHall 6 Точки

Great information, and I would also add that after loading data into a repository or lake you can run that data with business intelligence (BI) tools and create access visualizations, data models, machine learning models and other data analysis and data management tools, you can learn more here. But you should also keep in mind that sometimes you don't need to load huge amounts of data from third-party data sources into our repository.

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