Задача 06. List Manipulator

Здравейте, получавам 90/100 на 6-та задача от Lists Basics - More Exercises.Teст № 5 ми гърми. Ето го кода: https://pastebin.com/AgmN0Ev3

Някой би ли могъл да ми посочи грешката?  Предварително благодаря.

Ето го и условието: 

The list may be manipulated by one of the following commands:

  • "exchange {index}" – splits the list after the given index and exchanges the places of the two resulting sub-lists. E.g., [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> "exchange 2" -> result: [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
    • If the index is outside the boundaries of the list, print "Invalid index"
    • A negative index is considered invalid
  • "max even/odd"– returns the INDEX of the max even/odd element. E.g., [1, 4, 8, 2, 3] -> "max odd" -> print: 4
  • "min even/odd" – returns the INDEX of the min even/odd element. E.g. [1, 4, 8, 2, 3] -> "min even" -> print: 3
    • If there are two or more equal min/max elements, return the index of the rightmost one
    • If a min/max even/odd element cannot be found, print "No matches"
  • "first {count} even/odd" – returns the first count even/odd elements. E.g. [1, 8, 2, 3] -> "first 2 even" -> print [8, 2]
  • "last {count} even/odd" – returns the last count even/odd elements. E.g. [1, 8, 2, 3] -> "last 2 odd" -> print [1, 3]
    • If the count is greater than the list length, print "Invalid count"
    • If there are not enough elements to satisfy the count, print as many as you can. If there are zero even/odd elements, print an empty list "[]"
  • "end" stop taking input and print the final state of the list


  • The input data should be read from the console.
  • On the first line, the initial list is received as a line of integers, separated by a single space.
  • On the following lines, until the command "end" is received, you will receive the list manipulation commands.
  • The input data will always be valid and in the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.


  • The output should be printed on the console.
  • On a separate line, print the output of the corresponding command.
  • On the last line, print the final list in square brackets with its elements separated by a comma and a space.
  • See the examples below to get a better understanding of your task.


  • The number of input lines will be in the range [2 … 50].
  • The list elements will be integers in the range [0 … 1000].
  • The number of elements will be in the range [1 .. 50].
  • The split index will be an integer in the range [-231 … 231 – 1].
  • The first/last count will be an integer in the range [1 … 231 – 1].
  • There will not be redundant whitespace anywhere in the input.
  • Allowed working time for your program: 0.1 seconds. Allowed memory: 16 MB.




1 3 5 7 9

exchange 1

max odd

min even

first 2 odd

last 2 even

exchange 3



No matches

[5, 7]


[3, 5, 7, 9, 1]

1 10 100 1000

max even

first 5 even

exchange 10

min odd

exchange 0

max even

min even



Invalid count

Invalid index




[10, 100, 1000, 1]

1 10 100 1000

exchange 3

first 2 odd

last 4 odd




[1, 10, 100, 1000]