C# Methods More Exercise Tribonacci Sequence
In the "Tribonacci" sequence, every number is formed by the sum of the previous 3 numbers. Write a program that prints num numbers from the Tribonacci sequence, each on a new line, starting from 1. The input comes as a parameter named num. The value num will always be positive integer.
Input Output
4 1 1 2 4
8 1 1 2 4 7 13 24 44
Някой може ли да ми обясни защо не получавам 100т.
ето моето решение с рекурсия: https://pastebin.com/wmhhGcYL (80/100, 2теста Time Limit)
ето и 2то ми решение без рекурсия с BigInteger: https://pastebin.com/yayZfRjR (90/100 , 1 тест Wrong Answer)
Благодаря :)