Number Array проблем Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam - 30 June 2019 Group 1
Привет ,;
може ли решение на задачата:
Create a program that helps you keep track of a number array. First, you are going to receive the numbers оn a single line, separated by space, in the following format:
"{number1} {number2} {number3}… {numbern}"
Then you will start receiving commands until you read the "End" message. There are five possible commands:
- "Switch {index}"
- Find the number on this index in your collection, if the index exists, and switch its sign (negative <-> positive).
- "Change {index} {value}"
- Replace the number on the given index with the number given, if the index exists.
- "Sum Negative"
- Print the sum of all negative numbers.
- "Sum Positive"
- Print the sum of all positive numbers.
- "Sum All"
- Print the sum of all numbers.
In the end, print the positive numbers on a single line, keeping in mind that 0 is positive, separated by a single space in the following format:
"{number1} {number2} {number3}… {numbern}"
- On the 1st line you are going to receive the numbers of the array (always integers), separated by a single space.
- On the next lines, until the "End" command is received, you will be receiving commands.
- Print the tasks in the format described above.
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", list.Where(x => x >= 0)));
Няма ли да изведеш един излишен интервал преди първият елемент на масива?
В условието искат:
"{number1} {number2} {number3}… {numbern}"
Ами не. За това и използвам join. :) Ако имаме лист с елемти 3, 4 и 5 и напишем Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", list); ще се отпечата: 3, 4, 5
Така е.