4. *Star Enigma/Regular Expressions/Programming Fundamentals
може ли някой да ми каже как да поправя тази грешка(няма съвпадение на ред 42) да даде и други насоки.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: No match found
at java.util.regex.Matcher.getMatchedGroupIndex(Matcher.java:1314)
at java.util.regex.Matcher.group(Matcher.java:572)
at StarEnigma.main(StarEnigma.java:42)
1.Star Enigma
The war is in its peak, but you, young Padawan, can turn the tides with your programming skills. You are tasked to create a program to decrypt the messages of The Order and prevent the death of hundreds of lives.
You will receive several messages, which are encrypted using the legendary star enigma. You should decrypt the messages, following these rules:
To properly decrypt a message, you should count all the letters [s, t, a, r] – case insensitive and remove the count from the current ASCII value of each symbol of the encrypted message.
After decryption:
Each message should have a planet name, population, attack type ('A', as attack or 'D', as destruction) and soldier count.
The planet name starts after '@' and contains only letters from the Latin alphabet.
The planet population starts after ':' and is an Integer;
The attack type may be "A"(attack) or "D"(destruction) and must be surrounded by "!" (exclamation mark).
The soldier count starts after "->" and should be an Integer.
The order in the message should be: planet name -> planet population -> attack type -> soldier count. Each part can be separated from the others by any character except: '@', '-', '!', ':' and '>'.
Input / Constraints
- The first line holds n – the number of messages– integer in range [1…100];
- On the next n lines, you will be receiving encrypted messages.
After decrypting all messages, you should print the decrypted information in the following format:
First print the attacked planets, then the destroyed planets.
"Attacked planets: {attackedPlanetsCount}"
"-> {planetName}"
"Destroyed planets: {destroyedPlanetsCount}"
"-> {planetName}"
The planets should be ordered by name alphabetically.
Output |
Comments |
STCDoghudd4=63333$D$0A53333 EHfsytsnhf?8555&I&2C9555SR |
Attacked planets: 1 -> Alderaa Destroyed planets: 1 -> Cantonica |
We receive two messages, to decrypt them we calculate the key: First message has decryption key 3. So we substract from each characters code 3. PQ@Alderaa1:30000!A!->20000 The second message has key 5. @Cantonica:3000!D!->4000NM Both messages are valid and they contain planet, population, attack type and soldiers count. After decrypting all messages we print each planet according the format given. |
Input |
Output |
Comments |
3 tt(''DGsvywgerx>6444444444%H%1B9444 GQhrr|A977777(H(TTTT EHfsytsnhf?8555&I&2C9555SR |
Attacked planets: 0 Destroyed planets: 2 -> Cantonica -> Coruscant |
We receive three messages. Message one is decrypted with key 4: pp$##@Coruscant:2000000000!D!->5000 Message two is decrypted with key 7: @Jakku:200000!A!MMMM This is invalid message, missing soldier count, so we continue. The third message has key 5. @Cantonica:3000!D!->4000NM |
Благодаря предварително!
Много ви благодаря за изчерпателния отговор,тотално се бях омотал.
Дали знаете защо няма толкова много решения на задачите с Java,обикновенно са с материал който не сме взели или пък са на C# най-вече.
Има ли някъде където мога да намеря такива решения.
Java-рите са по-малко .. или се оправят по-добре със задачите
, и затова темите с Java тук са по-малко от тези със C#.
Не ми е известно някъде да има еталонни решения на задачите.
На упражненията към модула би трябвало да ви показват решения на част от задачите. Може да погледнете и упражненията към минали издания на курса.
Някои колеги качват решенията си в github - потърсете кой от групата Ви се справя добре и вижте дали няма акаунт.
Аз имам решения на някои по-стари задачи тук, а тук понякога качвам решения на задачи от текущия Java Fundamentals модул.
Много Благодаря за инфото.