KoolM1 avatar KoolM1 -1 Точки

Is BASIC a good first programming language for a complete beginner?

I have a TRS-80 emulator that I've been playing with and a huge swath of old programming books and magazines that I downloaded from computer magazine archive that contains a lot of BASIC program listings ... I'm wondering if this will be a good way to learn to code? I would appreciate any insight into this.

For what it's worth; I have dabbled a little bit in Python, JavaScript, and Lua (Working through Invent with Python and Eloquent JavaScript in there entireties) and programming just hasn't "clicked" for me yet. I really want to learn to code but I wonder if maybe I just don’t have the mind for it because I’ve worked through two books and I still can’t do anything unless I follow a tutorial.

I day dream about building emulators and programming cool things (to me at least) like a simulation game of the security company I work for, or an android application that works as a sort of "pokedex" for plants an animals ... Cool stuff like that. But I don't know how I'll ever do anything like that if I don't know how to build a program from the top of my head https://19216801.onl/ https://routerlogin.uno/ .

Near the start of Invent with Python the tutorial showed me how to make a tick tack to game ... I completed it, but by the end of the book when I had coded more advanced things I still didn't have the concepts in my head needed o build that fiat simple program.

Then I see these amazing programs on github and forums and such built by a single person and I just can't help but think maybe I really just don't have the head for this.

Trying to learn to program makes me feel unmotivated and stupid ... But then I came across the TRS-80 emulator Sharp 80 while goofing off on the internet and learned about all the games written in BASIC that a lot of now "old school" programmers learned to program from as kids by typing up those listings from a magazine and thought maybe that would be a good idea ... But then again, maybe not. Those programmers were mostly inquisitive children when they learned through those listings ... I'm a particularly average 25 year old man with the mind of a stubborn old man.

Maybe it's too late for me to learn to code.

Programming Basics 27/12/2020 08:18:38
FKemp avatar FKemp 0 Точки

It's never too late to start learning, just take it easy and try to do interesting stuff. If you find it hard find info on google and books. Doing basic practice of syntax and etc gets boring quick so that why you might feel unmotivated. As am a writer for prothesiswriter.com it was just like learning writing theses: you need to start with learning small things, but don't dwell on them too long and start working on big projects as soon as you can.

03/01/2021 19:57:08
Можем ли да използваме бисквитки?
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