futuvowi avatar futuvowi 0 Точки


Lyta resumed moving her hips, not that he had stopped his own small thrusts into her when she had stopped. Her large loose top had been the only thing hiding his hands on her breasts the whole time her mother had been watching. He lifted it higher just so he could watch them bounce again as her movements got more vigorous to finish him quickly. Another man who had rolled off onto the pillows on the floor when the door opened, got onto the bed and Lyta opened wide to admit him back into her mouth.

"You want toast?!" came the call from her mother sex cam

Lyta pulled the man from her mouth so she could reply, "Yes please!" before taking him back in.

Knowing their time was limited, and simply because they couldn't resist, both men finished quickly. Lyta was already off the bed to find her underwear on the floor as she cleaned the droplets on her face that she had failed to swallow with the rest of his load.

In the kitchen, her mother handed her a plate with buttered toast. "Get something in your belly before school, girl."

Lyta eyed the toast before taking it, having her second meal of the day. She engaged her mother in conversation to cover up any noise from the guys leaving through her bedroom window.

Once Kimiko arrived, they headed off to school together.


Devona woke up to the light from the window shining through. Her blinds could be programmed to slowly let light through; however, they were designed by people who didn't have consistent sunrise year-round and the sun came up when most people had to get started for the day. The fake natural light got her up, but it was the display showing how much she had made by sleeping in her underwear live that really got her going. Her bedroom was kept warm to make up for a lack of covers beyond a sheer sheet she used. Sleeping in lingerie wasn't the most comfortable way to sleep, but the dollar signs made it worth the discomfort.

The camera, mounted high on the wall facing her bed, got the full view of her stretching while the one closer to her on the nightstand got her in profile. She knew the best angle to pose at for both. Arching her back to press her hips into the air so her breasts strained at the black faux-lace bra to give the illusion of being massive. She smiled knowing her viewers loved the show.

Having her nightly goal being met with more to beat it, Devona reached under her pillow for the soft toy she kept there. She preferred the buzzglove a client had gotten her for getting off with just her hands, but the crowd liked seeing something going inside her and the toy was perfect. It, to all observers, looked like any silicone or latex phallus a woman might enjoy yet it was something quite different. Firstly, it was far bigger in length and girth than she could ever fit without serious practice. However, it compressed quite easily with only the somewhat rigid centre keeping the shape. So as she slid it into her mouth, the strange alien tentacle shape softly conformed to her mouth rather than the reverse. What looked like ten inches going inside didn't even get to her throat. Though she did swallow hard while rubbing her throat as if it were that deep. Pulling it out, she caught her breath - as if she had been forced to hold it rather than breathing perfectly fine, if shallowly to avoid suspicion, through her nose.

Letting the tip of it trace along her neck and between her breasts, as she wished they were big enough to hold around a toy, Devona started to rub it between her legs. She rolled over and raised her bum in the air. Everyone watched as she slid it between her thighs against her matching underwear and, despite nothing vibrating, felt herself tingle with anticipation. Being watched was what enticed her the most anyway. Lifting one leg high as she slowly got herself onto her back, she made a grand gesture of it so she finished with her legs far apart. One off to the side, the other bent. Her free hand started to rub between her legs as she licked the toy along its length. It wasn't clear to those watching or Devona herself if she had meant to slide her hand under the panties when she didn't but she didn't care. After a few moments more of teasing, she raised her hand to reveal the soft wet pussy that had been poorly hidden underneath live sex

The toy returned between her legs, slick with saliva, and gathered more lubrication from the warm spot thrusting upwards. "Fuck, it's so big! I always feel like it won't fit!"

A bald-faced lie but she knew her viewers liked to hear it. Devona moaned and squealed as she pushed the tip inside her and felt it conform to her body. It still penetrated, deeper than into her mouth since there was no risk of choking, though it wasn't tearing her open as its normal-sized equivalent might have done. Still, the pleasure wasn't faked. Feeling it move through her as she pushed and pulled on it, the sensations getting better the more it compressed. It looked like she had taken over a solid foot of it within her yet it felt like half that.

Her free hand moved under her bra to tease and tug on her breasts. It stopped being a show as she started to lose herself to the pleasure. Devona bit into her shoulder as she struggled to keep her balance. Her body wanted to lift her hips into the air but the shakes kept making her fall. The whole point of having one leg out to the side was to tilt her towards the nightstand camera when it happened because, in her current state, she wasn't thinking about cameras. One climax rushed through her body but she kept up the thrusting inside her as her arm moved furiously. To the viewers, it seemed impossible that she could be working something so massive inside her.

When the second climax tore through her, Devona rammed it deep inside and kept the toy pinned with her thighs closing tightly as she moaned hard before it turned into a distressed grunt. When her body finally relaxed, her legs fell apart and as she caught her breath the toy slowly slid out of her. Partially from her muscles expelling it and partially from the expanding materials.

"Alright," Devona struggled to breathe. "I need to get ready for school now. Tips are appreciated, and I will try to have more pictures after classes. Comment and subscribe as well!"

She hit the kill switch on the cameras. Normally she would let viewers watch most of her morning routine but she was too spent to make a show of it.

The only person still watching her was using a perched drone outside her window.


"Enough!" Chris shouted in exasperation when he heard his brother draw in breath to speak again.

"What?!" Ceph replied, somehow still oblivious to his brother's frustration. "If you and the coach pulled the rods out of each of your respective asses, then we would have a stronger team sexchat ."

"She isn't going to join the team. Even if she tried, the coach would force her out and she'd have wasted time spent..." he was reluctant to let his brother know what he had told Julie. "...exploring whatever other options she has."

"Fine. I am just going to be selfish then and say I want her in our school so I can get closer to her. Happy?"

"You are acting like that wasn't already obvious. Just play it cool and don't shoot yourself in the foot. If she wants to leave, there is nothing you can do. If she stays, it won't be because of you."

Cephalus was mercifully quiet as he walked the rest of the way to school with his brother. Deep in thought, he didn't even look up until he heard Julie talking - but only saw the post between the double doors of the main entrance when he raised his head to slam it into it.

Chris shook his head and carried on.

Programming Basics 22/09/2020 11:09:49
DeveloperEnthusiast avatar DeveloperEnthusiast 303 Точки


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Съвет - качвай си условията на задачите или казвай от коя тема/упражнение са и използвай https://pastebin.com/ ако е по-дълъг код

BenjaminBirdsong avatar BenjaminBirdsong 1 Точки

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