yocalee avatar yocalee 3 Точки

04. Movies oт JS Fundamentals


имам проблем при проверяването на обектите в масива с филми. При име, съдържащо интервали, функцията вади null, докато при останалите едноименни филми, ми вади самия обект (точно както трябва да е). 

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JavaScript Fundamentals
Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2423 Точки

Code is fine, just movies.foreach() was not functioning and had to be replaced with movies.find() to always return a target movie.


function movieDirectors(array) {
    let movies = [];

    class Movie {
        constructor(name, director, date) {
            this.name = name;
            this.director = director;
            this.date = date;
    let contains = function (movieName) {
        // let movie = null;
        let movie = movies.find(m =>m.name === movieName);

        // movies.forEach(m => m.name === movieName ? movie = m : movie = null);
        return movie;

    for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        let command = array[i].split(' ');

        if (command.includes('addMovie')) {
            let name = command.slice(1, command.length).join(' ');
            movies.push(new Movie(name, null, null));
        } else if (command.includes('directedBy')) {
            let name1 = command.slice(0, command.indexOf('directedBy')).join(' ');
            // if (contains(name1) !== null) {
            if (contains(name1) !== undefined) {
                let movie = contains(name1);
                movie.director = command.slice(command.indexOf('directedBy') + 1, command.length).join(' ');
        } else if (command.includes('onDate')) {
            let name2 = command.slice(0, command.indexOf('onDate')).join(' ');
            // if (contains(name2) !== null) {
            if (contains(name2) !== undefined) {
                let movie = contains(name2);
                movie.date = command.slice(command.indexOf('onDate') + 1, command.length).join(' ');
    movies.forEach(m => m.director != null && m.name != null && m.date != null ? console.log(JSON.stringify(m)) : null);


yocalee avatar yocalee 3 Точки


actually the problem wasn't with foreach() function. ?

movie = m : movie = null

 is the problem. It should be

movie = m : null. 

Thank you for the quick response! 

Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2423 Точки

Hmmm, the first version of your foreach() had the correct syntax but since it was cycling through all of the movie-objects it will return false when movies contains multiple items (even though the movie you are looking for exists in the movies-array)

=> Check and step-into the foreach and see how the movie changes from being true to becoming null for 'Fast and Furious' since 'Godfather' is on second position and thus will return null for 'Fast and Furious'.

With find(), easier to use, otherwise movie = m : null is OK too.


17/12/2020 18:16:59
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