charlike avatar charlike 114 Точки

За обучителната система - въпроси/предложения/бъгове

Какво мислите за следната концепция, което може спокойно да се нарече "форум"?

Да се записват в базата данни постове с там всякаквата им мета, като тая мета ще е , ей го - title, body, tags, author, views, answers. Нищо повече.

След което по тежест таговете (най-тежките тагове след някакво време и определеня граница) да стават категории. И от това изхождам, че един опростен блог може да стане супер форум. Щото са, извинявайте, ама таг "трудно", "кола", "тагове" - ми някак.. нали :)

Какво мислите? - web devs.

Както се казва.. трявба да се научи да мисли човек. Като може да мисли ще напише смислени тагове и ще гледа бая да се спазват някакви конвенции, които не са трудни. Слагаш няколко главни тага и преспоконо това си е чиста "категория". Те тагове се пръкнаха от социалките, а там се пръкнаха от keywords. Следователно времената и термините се менят, но не и смисъла, затова трябва да се научи да мисли човек и да вижда смисъла.

Няма значение как си мисал специално за първите уеб страници keywords, и как пишеш сега таговете - еднакво е - това е умение, а не просто разделяне на едно изречение със запетайки след всяка дума. :)


+ Друга идея.. Гледайки tag cloud-a, що не се направи  drag 'n' drop да може също да се слагат в полето за тагове :) Или примерно един textcomplete.js върши прекрасна работа:)

+ Може да сложите "@"-autocomplete и да стават линкове към профилите в сайта - няма да е лошо :)

Таговете да ги приема системата със запетайка и направо после си ги разделяйте по нея, не по спейс. Така направен таг-клауда, няма смисъл според мен.


+Георги Янев - GooglePlus & YouTube

@tunnckoCore - Github, Pastebin, NPMJS :)

#charlike - Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Packagist

Предложения и проблеми 12/09/2014 18:30:53 1
dZf1aeA-hardyyp avatar dZf1aeA-hardyyp 2 Точки

To get into the Amazon account, you just need to be admitted to your gadget and enter amazon.com/mytv using the code. Off chance that you don’t know what Amazon Prime is, this is a paid member application of amazon.com/mytv which will give you entry into a vast range of services with free instant and limitless video real-time features. Is accessible


piyan avatar piyan 1 Точки

Playstation 2 Emulator  Maybe by clicking on one of the categories, only tags from this category will appear in the tag cloud, it will still be more pleasant and intuitive.

Brajput123 avatar Brajput123 5 Точки

fuboTV offers up to 187 channels, a 500-hour cloud DVR, and a slick interface that neatly mirrors what you’re used to with cable or satellite service. It’s also just fun to say fubo.In fact, the majority of fuboTV’s livestreaming lineup is still made up of sports channels. So if you compare it to other streaming services and One of the best fubo.tv/connect that offer more balanced entertainment-to-sports programming ratios, fubo is still a few yards short.But, as a streaming TV service with hundreds of live channels.


Brajput123 avatar Brajput123 5 Точки

fuboTV offers up to 187 channels, a 500-hour cloud DVR, and a slick interface that neatly mirrors what you’re used to with cable or satellite service. It’s also just fun to say fubo.In fact, the majority of fuboTV’s livestreaming lineup is still made up of sports channels. So if you compare it to other streaming services and One of the best fubo.tv/connect that offer more Fubo.tv/connect code balanced entertainment-to-sports programming ratios, fubo is still a few yards short.But, as a streaming TV service with hundreds of live channels.

Brajput123 avatar Brajput123 5 Точки

You can switch to Fubo.tv/connect and get rid of those expensive cable charges. FuboTV is an excellent live streaming service which also has multiview features. You can even view four streams all at once by activating your services on fubo tv. The streaming service is available on multiple streaming devicesincluding smart TV and Fubo.tv/connect code.


hardyyp1 avatar hardyyp1 1 Точки

Now you can easily Activate Office by visiting our website at Office.com/setup In its applications like Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and several others, Microsoft Office has introduced numerous updates throughout. You can use Office Setup in any Device. If you want to Download it you can Download it easily. If you want to Download it you can Download it easily. With Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft provides you set of applications to complete different tasks from time to time. The included applications are perfect for everyone and made specifically for enhancing the work speed of the users.


samhatterss avatar samhatterss 1 Точки

Most importantly, turn on your smart TV. Visit www.amazon.com/mytv to enter a simple process to activate your Amazon prime video on your smart device or phone. Enter the amazon mytv code and click the enter button. Then you'll see your Amazon prime account activated and you'll be able to easily watch your web shows, movies and videos.

kimlarry avatar kimlarry 1 Точки

Watch the talk on Automation testing from the QA Fundamentals course. 

On the off chance that you don't get captured, much obliged. It cycles on I don't have the foggiest idea how often on something very similar. 

Inept inquiries like "my C has scanf here, for what reason do we have Scanner" are inquired. 

See nobody has the opportunity to get exhausted with rubbish. Take read 1-2 books on programming dialects, on the off chance that you need corner to corner, at that point come and watch such a talk and you better stay silent. That while watching this talk at any rate multiple times I needed to discard all the numerous gibberish I heard. I have the inclination that I am at a local social affair of grandmas who rehash something very similar multiple times, one has not heard, different has not seen. All things considered, a few people have been doing this for a very long time. Try not to prevent them from gaining ground. You can participate in different exercises. Taking a gander at Bulgaria, everybody is occupied with programming testing. I don't have the nerve to persevere through such an excess of crying.

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EssayUK avatar EssayUK 0 Точки

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samhatterss avatar samhatterss 1 Точки

Open your computer then go to web browser, go to primevideo.com/mytv and sign in to amazon prime account with your
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Ние използваме бисквитки и подобни технологии, за да предоставим нашите услуги. Можете да се съгласите с всички или част от тях.
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Използваме бисквитки, за да измерваме маркетинг ефективността ни, броене на посещения, както и за проследяването дали дадено електронно писмо е било отворено.