samuelpolo avatar samuelpolo -29 Точки

Hubble.ai Review 2023: A Disappointing and Ineffective Tool

As a writer and content creator, I am always on the lookout for tools that can help me improve my work. One such tool I came across was Hubble.ai, an AI-powered writing assistant. The website promised to help me with my writing by providing suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and tone. I decided to give it a try, but unfortunately, my experience with Hubble.ai left me feeling disappointed and regretful. In this article, I will provide a brutally honest review of Hubble.ai, including its overview, drawbacks, pricing, and customer reviews.


Hubble.ai is an AI-powered writing assistant that claims to help users improve their writing by providing suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and tone. The website offers a variety of features, including a writing assistant, tone analyzer, and plagiarism checker. The website is user-friendly, and the interface is simple and easy to navigate.

One of the main features of Hubble.ai is its writing assistant. The writing assistant provides suggestions for improving sentence structure and word choice, as well as highlighting grammatical errors. The tool is designed to help users write more clearly and concisely, to improve the readability and overall quality of their work.

Another key feature of Hubble.ai is its tone analyzer. The tone analyzer is designed to help users understand the emotional tone of their writing, to ensure that the tone is appropriate for the intended audience. The tool analyzes the language used in the text and provides suggestions for how to adjust the tone to make it more suitable for the intended audience.



Drawbacks of Hubble.ai

Despite its many features, there are several drawbacks to using Hubble.ai. One of the main issues I encountered was technical problems. The tool would often freeze or crash, which was frustrating and time-consuming. This was especially problematic when I was working on a tight deadline and needed to get my work done quickly.

Another issue I had with Hubble.ai was its limited customization options. The tool provides suggestions for sentence structure and word choice, but it does not allow for much customization. This meant that I often had to spend time manually adjusting my work to fit my preferred writing style.

Another major issue I had with Hubble.ai was its lack of transparency. The tool often provided suggestions without explaining the reasoning behind them. This made it difficult for me to understand why certain changes were being recommended, and it also made it difficult for me to learn from my mistakes.

Finally, I was disappointed with the customer support provided by Hubble.ai. When I encountered technical issues or had questions about the tool, it was difficult to get in touch with a representative. The response time was slow, and the representatives were often unable to provide helpful solutions to my problems.


Hubble.ai offers a range of pricing plans to suit different budgets and needs. The basic plan is free, but it only provides access to limited features. The premium plans range in price from $30 per month, depending on the level of access and support required.

While Hubble.ai's pricing is relatively competitive, other tools on the market offer similar features at a lower cost.


Customer Reviews

To gain a better understanding of the overall experience of Hubble.ai users, I took some time to read through customer reviews on various websites. Overall, the reviews were mixed, with some users praising the tool for its effectiveness, while others criticized it for its technical issues and lack of transparency.

Positive reviews often highlighted the effectiveness of Hubble.ai's writing assistant in helping to improve the quality and readability of written work. Some users also praised the tool for its ease of use and the helpful suggestions it provided for improving tone and style.

Negative reviews, on the other hand, often cited technical issues as a major problem with the tool. Users reported frequent crashes and freezes, as well as slow response times from customer support. Others criticized the lack of customization options and the opaque nature of the suggestions provided by the tool.



In conclusion, my experience with Hubble.ai left me feeling regretful and disappointed. While the tool has some useful features, such as its writing assistant and tone analyzer, it also has several major drawbacks, including technical issues, limited customization options, lack of transparency, and poor customer support. While Hubble.ai may be suitable for some users, I would recommend considering other options, such as Grammarly or ProWritingAid, which offer similar functionality at a similar price point but with more customization options and better support.

Общи приказки 05/04/2023 14:05:48
helendam avatar helendam 3 Точки

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